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Data Processing
"The Application of New Hydrographic Survey Data to NOAA's Electronic Navigational Charts" written by LT Edward J. Van Den Ameele, Cathleen Barry, Kim Sampadian, Dennis Hill, Mike Brown, Jack Riley, and James Guilford. presented at CARIS 2004 conference St Louis, MO. November 2004.

"The Navigation Surface and Hydrographic System Uncertainty at NOAA's Office of Coast Survey" Shyla Allen and Jeffrey Ferguson; Presented at the 2005 US Hydrographic conference in San Diego, CA. March 2005

"US Office of Coast Survey's Re-Engineered Process for Application of Hydrographic Survey Data to NOAA Charts" written by Cathleen Barry, Sean Legeer, Geen Parker, Kaitlyn VanSant; presented at CARIS 2005 conference Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. September 2005.

"NOAA Contractor Partnership: How NOAA uses Private Industry to Support Nautical Charting" written by Samuel P. DeBow Jr., C.Brian Greenawalt and Jeffrey Ferguson, published in the "International Hydrographic Review," Volume No. 1 (New Series), July 2000

"NOAA AHB QA Inspection for Contract Hydrographic Surveys" written by Lt. Eric J. Sipos and Castle Parker; presented at the 2001 US Hydrographic conference Norfolk, Virginia. May 2001

"A Critical Need for Water Level and Datum Information in the Northern Gulf of Mexico" written by Kristen A. Tronvig, Stephen K. Gill, Gretchen A. Imahori, Joe Evjen, Charlie Henry and DR. Roy K. Dokka; presented at the 2003 US Hydrographic conference Biloxi, MS. March 2003

"Improvements to Water Level Reducers for Hydrogrphic Surveys in Hydrodynamically Complex Tidal Ranges" written Gretchen Imahori, W. Michael Gibson, and Kriten Tronvig; presented at the 2003 US Hydrographic conference Biloxi, MS. March 2001

"Efficacy of an interferometric sonar for hydrographic surveying: Do interferometers warrant an in depth examination?" written by Caleb Gostnell; prestened at the Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. May 2004.

"NOAA Test and Evaluation of Interferometric Sonar Technology" written by CalebGostnell, Jake Yoos and Steve Brodet; presented at the Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2006, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. June 2006

"NOAA Test and Evaluation of Phase Differencing Bathymetric Sonar Technology" CalebGostnell, Jake Yoos and Steve Brodet; to be presented at the International Hydrographic Conference 2006, Antwerp, Belgium. November 2006.

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