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Office of Inspector General > Library > Report Highlights > FY 2005 

Inspection of the Regional Information Management Center Frankfurt, Germany

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Embassies and consulates worldwide are increasingly turning to Regional Information Management Centers (RIMC) for telecommunications, network, systems engineering, installation, and maintenance support. The Regional Information Management Center in Frankfurt, Germany also provides temporary duty support for information management operations to posts through its rover program, consultations on systems configuration and operation through its operations officer, and technical training through its information management-training center (IMTC). Additionally, RIMC Frankfurt supports the Department of State’s antiterrorism initiatives by conducting communications systems installations in the major theaters of the war on terrorism, as well as general telecommunications support and operational assistance in areas of political instability. This report focuses on the results of the Office of Inspector General’s review of RIMC Frankfurt’s maintenance and support services.

RIMC Frankfurt provides high quality support for the 117 posts within its region, which includes parts of four geographic bureaus. Management is effective and makes the best use of limited resources. However, the increased need for resources to support global antiterrorism initiatives, of which RIMC Frankfurt is a significant participant, exacerbates resource shortages.


Steps need to be taken to ensure that current levels of customer service do not decline. RIMC Frankfurt currently has only one operations officer to cover 117 posts. Equally necessary is fully staffing the technician positions in the radio branch. The high overall rate of attrition among technicians hampers RIMC Frankfurt’s ability to retain a qualified workforce. Steps should be taken to ensure the continued success of the IMTC, including ensuring the adequacy of facilities at the projected consolidated facility for all U.S. Government activities in Frankfurt. Finally, RIMC Frankfurt technicians should be given the appropriate access to systems for which they are responsible.


RIMC Frankfurt maintains satellite branch offices with forward-deployed staff in Berlin, London, Paris, USNATO Brussels, Geneva, Moscow, Vienna, and Cairo. Support provided impacts all post operations by providing guidance for IRM program standardization, digital services, telephone services, radio system services, and telecommunications maintenance and logistical support. RIMC Frankfurt hosts the information management specialist rover program that provides operational support to 90 posts. Additionally, RIMC Frankfurt operates the IMTC, a training center with two fully equipped classrooms, which provides in-depth training to information management professionals from over 200 posts.


RIMC Frankfurt’s organization consists of an Executive Office that includes the Director, Deputy Director, and Operations Officer positions, as well as Digital, Telephone, Radio, Training, and Rover branches. The Operations Officer heads the Rover branch, while branch chiefs head the remaining branches. The Frankfurt office is staffed by 41 direct-hire Americans, three personal service contract (PSC) Americans, four American contractors, three Foreign Service nationals, and one third-country national. The satellite branch offices are staffed by 18 direct-hire Americans, one PSC, and three contractors.


Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) mission is to assess Department of State and Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) operations and recommend ways to strengthen their integrity, effectiveness, and accountability. OIG’s Office of Information Technology provides systematic and independent evaluations of the information management and information security operations of the Department of State, its posts abroad, and the BBG.


March 18, 2005


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