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Office of Inspector General > Library > Report Highlights > FY 2005 

Inspection of Embassy Bucharest, Romania

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Embassy Bucharest deals admirably with a vastly expanded bilateral relationship and has experienced a heavy flow of high-level American visitors. This activity arose largely because Romania is moving toward membership in the European Union and the United Nations Security Council and participates in peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.


A new Ambassador has positively impressed Romanian elites and public opinion, and the Ambassador is rated highly by the embassy’s American and Foreign Service national staff.


Office of Inspector General (OIG), however, suggested that the embassy revamp its meeting structure to provide some access for all elements of this varied mission and to create several new forums for thematic discussion among a restricted group of participants.


Construction of a new embassy compound is scheduled to start in FY 2009, to replace the mission’s present eight cramped, outmoded facilities. The embassy and the Department of State are securing new temporary quarters for one facility. Generally, the inspection report tempered its positive findings with some concerns. For instance:


• The embassy is adequately managed but does not document procurement actions.

• The information management section provides excellent service, but some procedures should be implemented.

• The embassy information office in Cluj is engaged in a range of activities that promote U.S. interests in Romania’s important region of Transylvania. However, the office is underutilized and does not receive effective supervision from Embassy Bucharest. (OIG recommended actions to broaden the scope of the office’s activities and strengthen its relationship with the embassy.)


On a positive note, OIG found the consular section supplies competent and timely services, and its coordination with other embassy elements is excellent. A recently arrived consul general has significantly improved morale though dynamic meetings, transparent decision-making, and judicious mentoring.

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