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Save the date! The next Grants Policy Committee (GPC) Stakeholder Webcast & Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 28th from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. The webcast will focus on relevant and timely federal grant management and administration streamlining activities. Check back soon for more information.
The Grants Policy Committee (GPC), established by the CFO Council, consists of grants policy experts from across the Federal government. GPC's vision is to improve the effectiveness of Federal financial assistance by:
Simplifying the application process
Streamlining financial assistance award and administration
Improving quality and timeliness of information related to assistance
Improving stewardship of Federal dollars
The GPC is committed to serving the best interests of the grants community by continually identifying opportunities to improve Federal financial assistance. The GPC's improvement efforts gained significant momentum when the committee assumed responsibility for implementing P.L. 106-107, the Federal Financial Management Assistance Act of 1999. While P.L. 106-107 expired in November 2007, the GPC continues to build on this momentum, advancing existing efforts and leveraging new opportunities to enhance Federal financial assistance.
The GPC's focus is on improving the management of Federal financial assistance government wide. To carry out their role, the committee recommends financial assistance policies and practices to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and coordinates related interagency activities. The GPC, in collaboration with other Federal-wide grants initiatives, is committed to serving the best interests of the grants community by continually identifying opportunities to improve Federal financial assistance.
The GPC's mission is to increase the effectiveness of Federal financial assistance by providing useful policy and procedural recommendations to OMB that balance the good stewardship of Federal dollars with reduced burden on applicants, recipients, and Federal agencies.
In order to achieve the GPC's goals, the GPC works toward the following objectives:
Establishes and maintains consolidated and consistent OMB guidance
Recommends uniform forms and formats for applications and post-award reports
Continually assesses the GPC's performance against its strategic plan and make necessary changes to improve performance
Facilitates greater community input and outreach in streamlining Federal financial assistance processes by maximizing involvement of both Federal and non-Federal grant communities
Supports the professional development of the Federal workforce for awarding and administering Federal financial assistance stakeholder communities
Recommends standard and streamlined Federal-to-grantee business processes
Makes recommendations to improve audit and oversight policies and procedures
If you have questions about the Federal government's efforts to streamline grants management, please contact the Grants Policy Committee.