US Climate Change Science Program

Archived Postings of the U.S.
Climate Change Science Program


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Our Changing PlanetThe Fiscal Year 2003 US Global Change Research Program and Climate Change Research Initiative [PDF, 1.6 Mb]

List of Participants in the Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders. (posted 18 Dec 2002).

Records of the Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders (Washington, DC, 3-5 December 2002). (updated 10 December 2002)

C-Span's Science/Technology Archives.  For the following portions of the workshop (3-5 Dec 2002, Washington, DC), video files are available online:

Climate Experts Review U.S. Policy.  Segment from National Public Radio's Morning Edition (4 Dec 2002). 

C-Span's Washington Journal. (go to C-SPAN home page and enter "Mahoney" in "video search" box). Video archives include 30 minute interview (dtd 4 December 2002) with James Mahoney, Director, US Climate Change Science Science Program.  During the program Dr. Mahoney "discusses the choices the federal government has to address global climate change."  To access the interview, drop down the list of archived programs.

Planning Workshop for Scientists and Stakeholders: Photo Gallery.  Includes hundreds of photos from the 3-5 December 2002 workshop

Strategy for Climate Change Research Defined at Science Workshop.  Press release (dtd 3 Dec 2002) from NOAA. (link posted 5 Dec 2002).

FY02 and FY03 Climate and Global Change Interagency Inventory.  The Climate and Global Change Interagency Inventory Data Sheet (dtd August 2002)  is a working document that includes information provided by federal agencies regarding their climate and global change research activities.  The data differ in some respects from information reported in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 and FY 2003 editions of Our Changing Planet, the annual U.S. Global Change Research Program report to Congress. Some of these discrepancies are the result of differences between requested and enacted levels of funding. In addition, some programs in the President's FY03 request as part of CCRI were not labeled as CCRI programs in the inventory. (links posted 5 December 2002)

White Papers prepared in support of the Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program:

Agenda for Planning Workshop for Scientists & Stakeholders. (posted 25 November 2002)

Structure of Planning Workshop for Scientists & Stakeholders. (posted 25 November 2002)

Strategic Plan: (posted 11 November 2002) A fully updated strategic plan for the combined US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI).  Available for review; comments accepted until 18 January 2003 [Note that the period for submitting comments has expired (on 18 January 2003].   It was the focus of a public workshop in Washington, DC on 3-5  December 2002.

Letter to President Bush on Climate Change Science and Technology Plan.  Letter (dtd 9 Sep 2002) from Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham and Donald Evans, Secretary of Commerce.  Also available as PDF file.  See also U.S. Climate Research and Technology Progress Outlined, press release (dtd 24 September 2002) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  (posted 26 September 2002). 

U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists & Stakeholders.  Invitation and Announcement (posted 17 September 2002)

Nomination of Dr James R. Mahoney to be Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere and Deputy Administrator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Hearing (24 January 2002) before the U.S. Congress, Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. 


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