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Updated 19 August, 2004
USGCRP Archives
January, February, March 2001


March 2001


Biology and Biogeochemistry
of Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Understanding the Earth's Climate System

Composition and Chemistry of the Atmosphere Carbon Cycle Science Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle





NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day



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For the documents from the IPCC, 
see our Assessments page.


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March 2001 Internet Postings Related to...

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Researchers track hazardous smoke & smog.
Researchers track hazardous smoke
& smog
(link posted 
20 March 2001)  

Agency Data Sets Related to Global Change, Newly Available in 2000.  Document (dtd March 2001) from the US National Science and Technology Council (NSTC),  Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Data and Information Working GroupThis fourth of a series of yearly publications represents another important step in the interagency process of making data and information related to the Global Change Research Program available. One of this publication's objectives is to provide this diverse user community with a concise summary of what data has been cataloged and made newly available each year. (link posted 16 March 2001)

The Science of Regional and Global Change.  Thirty-two page booklet (dtd 2001) from the US National Academy Press. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Goddard Scientist Works to Add New Patch for Local Girl Scouts.  Press release (dtd 8 March 2001) from the Goddard Space Flight Center. (link posted 20 March 2001)

NASA Goddard Scientist [Dr Jim Hansen] to Receive Heinz Award Today.  Press Release (dtd 5 March 2001) from Goddard Space Flight Center . (link posted 20 March 2001)

Climate Change 2001: 

Document from Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), approved by the Working Group in early March 2001.

Additional information: 

  • Working Group III Homepage
  • Climate Change.  MS Powerpoint format (14.7 Megabytes).  Series of 76 slides used by Robert T. Watson, Chairman Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, before the Environment & Energy Study Institute, Washington, DC, 7 March 2001. (link posted 12 March 2001)
  • Hearing: 14 March 2001.  Washington, DC.  Climate Change: The State of the Science .  Examined "the state of climate science, the gaps in our understanding of the global climate, and the approach the government should take to fill those gaps as it develops a research agenda to deal with climate change."  Held by US Congress, House, Committee on Science.  See Hearing Charter.  Additional information (including Webcast) posted on the committee's Full Committee Hearings page. See our collection of background links on the science of climate change. (link posted 9 Mar 2001)
  • Gas guzzling.  Article (dtd 5 March 2001) from New Scientist.  "Progress on technology to cut greenhouse-gas emissions is `faster than anticipated', say UN experts." (link posted 20 March 2001)
  • Greenhouse gas cuts are economically feasible, say UN officials.  Press Release (dtd 28 Feb 2001) from the United Nations Environment Programme. (link posted 20 March 2001)
  • U.N. Panel Releases Report on Global Climate Change.  Segment (dtd  7 March 2001) from National Public Radio's Morning Edition. (link posted 20 March 2001)

For the additional documents from the IPCC, 
see our Assessments page.

Previous Postings to the General Section


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March 2001 Postings Related to...
Composition and Chemistry
of the Atmosphere

More on this
 Focus Area

Watching the Spread of Smog and Smoke.  Article (dtd 16 March 2001) from NASA Earth Observatory. (link posted 20 March 2001)



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March 2001 Postings Related to...
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

FAO Forest Resource Assessments and Global Warming. Press Release (dtd 15 March 2001) from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).  Related posting: WRI study reports deforestation may be higher than FAO estimates.  Press release (dtd 12 March 2001) from WRI. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Mapping the Decline of Coral Reefs.  Article (dtd 12 March 2001) from NASA Earth Observatory, 12 March 2001. (lins posted 20 March 2001)

Where Frogs Live.  Article (dtd 5 March 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Bolivian Montane Yields Climate Change Clues.  Article (dtd 20 Feb 2001) from National Geographic News @ (link posted 20 March 2001)

Scientists map biological changes in earth's tropical forests.  Press release (dtd 26 Feb 2001) from Univ of Toronto. (link posted 20 March 2001)

New Report Examines Causes and Impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms in U.S. Waters.  Press release (dtd 22 Feb 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Relating Changes In Living Things To Climate Changes.  Press release (dtd 1 Mar 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 20 March 2001)

NASA's Land Cover Land Use Change ProgramLCLUC is an interdisciplinary scientific theme within NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE). (link posted 20 March 2001)

Time Series of Global Monthly Vegetation Cover from NOAA/AVHRR 1985 - 1997.  CD ROM from National Virtual Data System. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Policies on Environmental Change Should Include Microbial Influences.  Article (dtd 2 March 2001) from Cool News.  (link posted 20 March 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided. 



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March 2001 Postings Related to...
Carbon Cycle Science 

More on this
 Focus Area


Computer Model Can Help Farmers Manage Carbon.  News (dtd 16 Feb 2001) from the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. (link posted 20 March 2001)



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March 2001 Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

22 March 2001.   Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.   Global Environmental Changes and FoodSponsored by:  Bard Center for Environmental Policy and The Culinary Institute of America.  Contact: Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Bard College, PO Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504-5000.  Tel: 845-758-7073. E-mail: (link posted 20 March 2001)

Met Office secures funding for further work on "Forecasting the Nation's Health".  Press release (dtd 6 March 2001) from the UK Met Office. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Effects of Climate Change on Infectious Diseases.  Audio and MS PowerPoint presentation by Hadi Dowlatabadi (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) at International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, 16-19 July 200, Atlanta, Georgia.  (link posted 20 March 2001)

Weather Modification (Audio14.4 | 28.8).  Hour two of radio show (dtd 23 Feb 2001) Talk of the Nation with Ira Flatow.  Guests:  (link posted 20 March 2001)

  • Bernard Eastlund, President of Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation (San Diego, California)
  • Kerry Emanuel, Professor, Atmospheric Science, Massachussetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  • Roelof Bruintjes, Scientist of Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology, National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, Colorado)
  • Charles Doswell, Senior Research Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale, Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma)

Outbreak of West Nile Virus Infection, Volgograd Region, Russia, 1999.  Article from CDC's Emerging Infectious Diseases, 7(1), Jan-Feb 2001. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Scientist suggests Anasazi extinction could be hint to N.M.  Article (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from the Albuquerque Tribune.  (link posted 20 March 2001)



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March 2001 Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Record of ancient climates can be a map to riches.  Press release (dtd 12 March 2001) from Virginia Tech, distributed by EurekAlert! (link posted 20 March 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  

Borehole Temperatures Confirm Global Warming Pattern.  Press release (dtd 27 Feb 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Stop Complaining about the Weather -- Its Better than Ever.  Article (dtd 8 March 2001) from Christian Science Monitor. (link posted 20 March 2001)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries

March 2001 Postings Related to...
Understanding the 
Earth's Climate System

More on this
 Focus Area

Temperature of Earth's Highest Polar Clouds Measured for the First Time.  Press release (dtd 19 Mar 2001) from the American Geophysical Union. (link posted 20 March 2001)

First, direct observational evidence of a change in the Earth's greenhouse effect between 1970 and 1997.  Press release (dtd 14 March 2001) from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, distributed by EurekAlert. See also Satellites Confirm Earth's Greenhouse Warming.  Article (dtd 14 March 2001) from NASA Earth Observatory. (links posted 20 March 2001)

Boundary Layer Studies in the Stratus Deck Regions of the Eastern Pacific.  Article (dtd 1 March 2001) from NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. (link posted 20 March 2001)

A Shadow of a Lake: Africa's Disappearing Lake Chad.  Online news release (dtd 27 Feb 2001) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  See also the text press release, Africa's Lake Chad Shrinks by 20 Times Due to Irrigation Demands, Climate Change. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Uncertainty of Rapid Climate Change More Crucial than Ice Ages.  Press release (dtd 17 Feb 2001) from Penn State, distributed by EurekAlert! (link posted 20 March 2001)

Philipine Volcano Helps Solve Climate Change Mystery.  Press release (dtd 23 Feb 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 20 March 2001)

"Heat vent" in Pacific cloud cover could diminish greenhouse warming.  Press release (dtd 28 Feb 2001) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, distributed by EurekAlert! (link posted 20 March 2001)

Weather: You Like It or Not: Learning About the Importance of and Flaws in Weather PredictionNew York Times Lesson Plan (dtd 7 March 2001). "In this lesson, students explore the importance of and flaws in weather prediction, and prepare their own weather report on a specific type of storm. " Grades: 6-12. (link posted 20 March 2001)

Recent Weather Conditions & Impacts:



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March 2001 Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area


Space mapping mission catches Antarctica in motion.  Press release (dtd 21 Feb 2001) from NASA, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. (link posted 20 March 2001)

"Fingerprints" of melting ice caps point directly to global climate change and sea level rise.  Press release (dtd 21 Feb 2001) from University of Toronto, distributed by EurekAlert! (link posted 20 March 2001)

Ice Caps In Africa, Tropical South America Likely To Disappear Within 15 Years.  Press release (dtd 18 Feb 2001) from Ohio State Univ. See also Andean Ice Cap, Kilimanjaro Ice Fields Disappearing.  Press release (dtd 19 Feb 2001) from UniSci. (links posted 20 March 2001)

Melting Glaciers and Climate Change Impacts (Audio14.4 | 28.8).  Hour one of radio show  (dtd 23 Feb 2001) Talk of the Nation with Ira Flatow. Guests:  (link posted 20 March 2001)

  • Lonnie Thompson, Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio)
  • Doug Hardy, Research Scientist, Climate System Research Center, University of Massachusetts, (Amherst, Massachusetts)
  • James McCarthy, Co-chair, Working Group 2, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,Professor, Oceanography, Director, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  • Henry Diaz, Climatologist, Climate Diagnostics Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Boulder, Colorado)

Science Team Places Sensors on Enormous Iceberg to Track Motion, Weather Conditions. Press release (dtd 21 Feb 2001) from the US National Science Foundation. (link posted 20 March 2001)



February 2001


Biology and Biogeochemistry
of Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Understanding the Earth's Climate System

Composition and Chemistry of the Atmosphere Carbon Cycle Science Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle





NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day




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See our Assessments page for online versions of recently  published reports from the  US National Assessment's "Preparing for a Changing Climate.   The Potential Consequences of  Variability and Change." 

February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Image shows levels of carbon monoxide at the atmospheric pressure level of 700 millibars (roughly 12,000 feet in altitude) over the continent of South America, as observed by the Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) sensor flying aboard NASA's Terra spacecraft. Data for producing the image on the left were acquired on September 7, 2000. Blue pixels show low values, yellows show intermediate values, and the red to pink and then white pixels are progressively higher values.
Carbon Monoxide from Biomass Burning
(link posted 16 Feb 2001)  

Major Antarctic Glacier Shown to be Thinning Inland.  Press release (dtd 2 Feb 2001) from UniSci.  See also Thinning glaciers, video (dtd 2 Feb  2001) from the BBC. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Climate Change 2001: 
Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

Document from Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), approved by the Working Group in mid-February 2001.

Additional information: 

For the additional documents from the IPCC, 
see our Assessments page.

Spotlight on Environmental and Earth Science and Technology (EST)
.  Article in NATO Science and Society Newsletter (Issue 55, December 2000). (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Job outlook brightens for earth science graduates.  Press release (dtd 30 Jan 2001) from American Geophysical Union. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

From the Fall 2000 issue of Acclimations...

For additional information on the US National Assessment's "Preparing for a Changing Climate.  The Potential Consequences of Variability and Change." See our National Assessment section.


Spotlight on Environmental and Earth Science and Technology (EST).  Article in NATO Science and Society Newsletter (Issue 55, December 2000). (link posted 16 Feb 2001)



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Composition and Chemistry
of the Atmosphere

More on this
 Focus Area

Scientists Discover New Keys to Arctic Ozone Loss.  Story (dtd 8 Feb 2001) from NOAA News Online. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Lower Atmosphere Has Patches Where Ozone Is Missing.  Press release (dtd 9 Feb 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

Biodiversity: Connecting with the Tapestry of Life.  Primer (issued 17 January 2001) produced by the Smithsonian Institution Monitoring & Assessment of Biodiversity Program and by the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).   (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Global Perspective: Nature in the Balance.  Series of radio programs (available online as RealAudio files) produced under a special international collaborative effort by Soundprint Media Center Inc.  Among the programs is:  (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

  • Above the Deep: Sea Birds (9 February 2001).  "How are scientists trying to understand the impact of global climate shifts in the northern part of the world? On the coast of Alaska, they're doing it slowly - by watching the seabirds. Ocean currents, temperature changes, and weather patterns all determine kinds of food available to these birds. And by checking on what they eat, the numbers of chicks and the health of the birds, marine biologists are able to use seabirds to tell them how healthy the whole environment is. Producer Kathy Turco, a marine biologist, visits scientists who study of seabirds on the St. Lazaria Island in the Gulf of Alaska and in Prince William Sound to try a simple way for us to `see' oceanic changes that we would otherwise miss." (link posted 16 Feb 2001)



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Carbon Cycle Science 

More on this
 Focus Area


Energy Department Seeks Projects That Will Improve Power Plants. Press release (dtd 6 Feb 2001) from US Department of Energy. See also Energy Department Seeks Projects To Improve Coal-Fired Power Plants.  Article (dtd 6 Feb 2001) from DOE Techline. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Net Loss of 9 Million Hectares of Forests per Year Despite Increases in Plantations.  Press Release (22 Jan 2001)  from UN Food and Agriculture Organization.  See also U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization Reports on World's Forests.  Press release (dtd 23 Jan 2001) from US Dept of State. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Science and The Citizen: Debit or Credit?  "Whether CO2-consuming trees can offset global warming is far from certain."  Article (dtd Feb 2001) from Scientific American. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Request for Grant Applications: Assessing the Consequences of Global Change for Aquatic Ecosystems: Climate, Land Use, and UV Radiation. (announced 22 Feb 2001)  This RFA was developed through a partnership between the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research & Development, Global Change Research Program and the "Science to Achieve Results" (STAR) grants program. This RFA focuses on human dimensions research and solicits applications for research that will support assessments of the consequences of global change for aquatic ecosystems and water quality. It seeks proposals that address integrative effects on aquatic ecosystems and water quality, thereby bringing together both human dimensions models and natural sciences models. (link posted 23 Feb 2001)

Societal Collapse Driven by Abrupt Climate Change, Not Social, Economic and Political Forces, Yale Anthropologist Reports in New Study.  Press release (dtd 25 Jan 2001) from Office of Public Affairs at Yale. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Age matters when exercising in hot climates.  Press release (dtd 26 Jan 2001) from Penn State (distributed via EurekAlert). (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Program Announcement, Integrated Assessment of Global Climate Change Research LAB 01-22.  Call for proposals, made (on 7 Feb 2001) by the US Department of Energy.  Pre-proposals are encouraged. There is no deadline, but early submission is strongly encouraged to allow time for meaningful dialogue.  Formal proposals must be received no later than April 3, 2001.  See our Calls for Proposals page for additional announcements. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Documents (dtd 2001) published by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and the American Meteorological Society:  (links posted 16 Feb 2001)

Impact of Climate Change to Cost the World $US 300 Billion a Year.  Press release (dtd 3 Feb 2001) from United Nations Environment Program. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Global Perspective: Nature in the Balance.  Series of radio programs (available online as RealAudio files) produced under a special international collaborative effort by Soundprint Media Center Inc.  Among the programs is:  (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

  • There's no Word for Robin (9 February 2001).  "In Canada, the warning signs that global warming may be having a long-term effect on the climate are subtle. In the far north of Canada, where the land is defined by ice, ice is slowly melting - and for the first time, people who live in Northern Canada are seeing plants and animals much more familiar to those of us in the South. They're experiencing summers that linger longer than usual, rivers that are drying out and coastal areas slowly eroding from rising sea levels. Producer Bob Carty of the CBC traveled to the Yukon and beyond to discover how people are beginning to adapt to the changes- in a part of the world where there is No Word for Robin." (link posted 16 Feb 2001)



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

500-century record links northern hemisphere cold spells to water in South American salt flat.  Press release (dtd 7 Feb 2001) from Duke University, distributed via EurekAlert! (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Mongolian Tree Rings Confirm Global Warming Findings.  Press release (dtd 8 Feb 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Ancient coral reef record gives history of El Niño.  Press release (dtd 25 Jan 2001) from UC Santa Barbara (distributed by EurekAlert). (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Global Perspective: Nature in the Balance.  Series of radio programs (available online as RealAudio files) produced under a special international collaborative effort by Soundprint Media Center Inc.  Among the programs is: 

  • Fire and Ice (2 February 2001).  "The Eskimos in Alaska have a legend that they call `The year of no summer'. One year, summer never came, winter just continued. No one could fish or hunt. And nothing could grow. The story is a creation myth. A few survivors were left to form what is now the Kauwerak tribe. Scientists are now looking at the legend as another piece of evidence for what they believe was a major climate shift in the Northern Hemisphere. In separate studies, looking at tree rings, volcanic action in Iceland, and climate models - scientist are studying the effect of the Laki volcano explosion in 1783 on climates stretching from Northern Europe to Alaska. Producer Dan Grossman takes on a journey to discover if the fires in Iceland could have caused the ice in Alaska." (link posted 16 Feb 2001)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries

February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Understanding the 
Earth's Climate System

More on this
 Focus Area

Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC): Climate Change Prediction Program Notice 01-09 --Published January 2, 2001.  Preapplications are encouraged. There is no deadline for the submission of preapplications, but early submission is strongly encouraged to allow time for meaningful discussions.  Formal applications must be received no later than March 15, 2001. (link posted 21 Feb 2001)

Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Notice 01-23 --Published February 16, 2001
Preapplications should be received by April 16, 2001.
Formal applications must be received no later than May 15, 2001. (link posted 21 Feb 2001)

Ocean Modeling and Prediction Program: 2001 Request for Planning Letters. From the US Office of Naval Research,  Ocean Modeling and Prediction Program.  See our Calls for Proposals page for additional announcements. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

NOAA Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory, FY2001 1st Quarter Milestones. "Predict and Assess Decadal-to-Centennial Climate Change."  (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Soot in the greenhouse.   Feature of the Week (dtd 1 Feb 2001) from the journal Nature.  See also:  New study reveals a major cause of global warming - ordinary soot.  Press release (dtd 7 Feb 2001) from Stanford University, distributed via EurekAlert!  (links posted 16 Feb 2001)

Storm surges increase with warming oceans.  Press release (dtd 6 Feb 2001) from  Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO). (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Evidence mounts that earth is warming up.  Article (dtd 24 Jan 2001) Christian Science Monitor. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Virtual Rains Herald New Era of Climate Forecasts.  Press release (dtd January 25, 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory news room. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Second call for research proposals. From the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences.  See our Calls for Proposals page for additional announcements. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Predicting El Nino with the help of a wind trigger.   Press release (dtd 5 Feb 2001) from the American Geophysical Union, distributed by EurekAlert.  See also ENSO prediction using an ENSO trigger and a proxy for western equatorial Pacific warm pool movement.  Also available as PDF file.  Article in Geophys. Res. Lett. Vol. 28 , No. 04 , p. 579 (15 Feb 2001).  (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

TOGA COARE: Unlocking the Mysteries of El Niño.  Video (posted January 2001) from NOAA and others about the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) of the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) program.  The major international scientific effort focused on a warm-water pool of the far western Pacific. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  

Recent Weather Conditions & Impacts:



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February 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area


Via Satellite: RANET Climate Information Pages. (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Inland thinning of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica. Article published in Science (2 Feb 2001) along with links to images and other related material.  (link posted 16 Feb 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided. 


January 2001


Biology and Biogeochemistry
of Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Understanding the Earth's Climate System

Composition and Chemistry of the Atmosphere Carbon Cycle Science Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle






NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day




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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...

Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis

Document from Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), approved by the Working Group on 20 January 2001.

  Additional information: 

Video: Global warming faster than expected -- report.  Report (dtd 22 Jan 2001) from Canada's CBC.

Photo copyright � 2001 Nick Sundt

Sir John Houghton, IPCC Co-Chair
Sir John Houghton
IPCC Co-Chair

Audio file.Co-chair of IPCC: "The rate of warming is far greater than it has been for the last 10,000 years".  Audio file (dtd 22 Jan 2001) from the BBC.  Interview with Sir John Houghton.

Landmarks in Global Climate and Severe Weather Bring Accolades to Two NCAR Scientists.  Press release (dtd 17 Jan 2001) from National Center for Atmospheric Research. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica.  See also Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse Triggered by Warmer Summers.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from University of Colorado (Boulder).   (links posted 24 Jan 2001)  

Eleven US Scientists win the WMO 15th Vaisala Award.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO). (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

High-End Climate Science: Development of Modeling and Related Computing Capabilities (Also available: PDF version, 321 kb).  A report (dtd December 2000) to the US Global Change Research Program from an ad hoc Working Group on Climate Modeling. (link posted 18 Jan 2001)

NOAA Exploring Student Data for Climate Studies.  Press release (dtd 15 Jan 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Draft 2001 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks.  Document (dtd Jan 2001) from the US Environmental Protection Agency. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Online versions of recently published reports from the US National Assessment's Preparing for a Changing Climate.  The Potential Consequences of Variability and Change. (links updated 22 Jan 2001)

Climate Change Science: Current Status, Future Directions and Policy Implications.  Document (dtd 20 Dec 2000) from the Australian Greenhouse Office. Available as RTF (98Kb) and PDF  (179Kb) files.  A public address presented by Dr Robert T Watson, Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Chief Scientist to the World Bank.  Also available online is the question and answer session following this address. Available as RTF (92Kb) and PDF (84Kb) files.  See also press release (dtd 18 December 2000), World expert on climate change speaks in Canberra.   (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

DOE Fossil Energy: DOE National Labs to Take on Expanded Gas Hydrates Research.  Article (dtd 15 Dec 2000) in  DOE Techline.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

New Books from NCAR [National Center for Atmospheric Research] Put Environmental Decision Making, Severe Weather, and Climate Change in Perspective.  Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from NCAR.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

NASA Goddard scientists present new results at Fall AGU [American Geophysical Union] meeting.  Press release (dtd 14 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Campuses Educate the Next Generation of Leaders.  Article from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Inside the Greenhouse (Fall 2000).  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

1998 In Review: An assessment of new research developments relevant to the science of climate change.  Special issue (dtd September 2000) of Climate Change Newsletter [Australia].  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.   (links posted 8 Jan 2001)

Climate Atlas of the Contiguous United States CD-ROM .  CD-ROM (released 1 Dec 2000) contains Climate Atlas of the Contiguous United States:  737 color maps of climatic elements such as temperature, precipitation, snow, wind, pressure, etc. The period of record of the data for most of the maps is 1961-1990.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)




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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Composition and Chemistry
of the Atmosphere

More on this
 Focus Area

Study: sea salt seasons chemical brew that destroys Arctic ozone.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from Purdue University  (distributed via EurekAlert).  See also Sea Salts Contribute to Arctic Ozone Loss.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Studying Our Earth And Sun Through The Ionosphere.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from UniSci.  (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Chemical Cycles In Troposphere Alter Air Composition.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Researchers Drill South Pole Snowpack to Determine Century's Air Quality.  NOAA News Online (Story 556), 1 Jan 2001.   (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Recovery of Arctic ozone layer may take longer than expected.  Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

The Incredible Shrinking Ozone HoleScience@NASA story (dtd 12 Dec 2000); includes audio.  "After reaching a record-breaking size in mid-September, the ozone hole over Antarctica has made a surprisingly hasty retreat, disappearing completely by November 19, NASA scientists said."  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

Conservation battle faces long odds in Brazilian Amazon.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from Oregon State University  (distributed via EurekAlert). See also Amazon roads may lead to peril for rainforest.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from Michigan State University  (distributed via EurekAlert). (links posted 24 Jan 2001)

How Warming Affected Some Mammals In The Distant Past.  Press release (dtd 11 Jan 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Carbon Cycling and Species Composition -- Seeing the Forest for Its Trees.  Press release (dtd 19 Dec 2000) from the US National Science Foundation. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Researchers craft model that provides reasons for climate-change observations.  Press release (dtd 19 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Ecosystems & Global Climate Change: A Review of Potential Impacts on U.S. Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biodiversity.  Report (released 13 Dec 2000) from Pew Center on Global Climate Change.  See also press release, Climate Change Could Cause Major Changes in U.S. Ecosystems, New Report Say.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Agricultural Contaminants Linked To Amphibian Declines.  Press release (dtd 8 Dec 2000) from UniSci.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Argentine Penguin Nest Failures Blamed On Colder Water. Press release (dtd 4 Dec 2000) from UniSci.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (links posted 8 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Carbon Cycle Science 

More on this
 Focus Area


Carbon Cycling and Species Composition -- Seeing the Forest for Its Trees.  Press release (dtd 19 Dec 2000) from the US National Science Foundation. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Scientists Look to Algae for Carbon Sequestration Project.  Article (dtd 26 Dec 2000) from Cool-Companies.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Carbon sequestration: seeing the forest for its trees.  Press release (dtd 19 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Global diagnosis completed of ocean regions most sensitive to an iron-rich diet.  Article (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Capping Carbon; Looking for Ways to Contain the Gases from Fossil fuels.  Article (dtd 14 Dec 2000) from Christian Science Monitor.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Algae at the Climatic Rubicon.  Article (dtd 14 Dec 2000) from Christian Science Monitor, 14 Dec 2000.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

DOE Fossil Energy: Cal State to Explore Use of Marine Algae for Carbon Sequestration.  Document (dtd 11 Dec 2000) from US DOE Fossil Energy Techline.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Streamlining State GHG Inventories: Counting the Carbon Flowing into Your Forests.  Article from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Inside the Greenhouse, Fall 2000.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Terrestrial Sequestration Program: Capture and Storage of Carbon in Terrestrial Ecosystems (2.1MB PDF file).  Four page document (dtd Nov 2000) describing the program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Office of Science.   (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Extreme Weather Sourcebook.  Web site at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.  See Web Site Shows Economic Losses from Major Weather Disasters, State by State 2001 edition adds lightning, storm, and hail data.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from from National Center for Atmospheric Research.  (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Swiss Re: Despite 2000's huge floods, insurers under less pressure.  Press release (dtd 10 Jan 2001) from Swiss Re (a major reinsurer based in Zurich, Switzerland).  Referring to catastrophes in 2000 (most of which were natural catastrophes such as floods), Swiss Re presents preliminary estimates that "major events worldwide claimed 17 000 lives and caused losses totalling USD 38 billion not including indirect economic losses." (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

ESIG Annual Scientific Report 2000.  Report (posted 2 Jan 2001) from the National Center for Atmospheric Change's Environmental and Societal Impacts Group. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

300 Years of Tree Ring Data Helps Colorado Water Managers Plan for Drought.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Slide Presentation on Climate Science and Potential Consquences of Climate Change.  This is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Global Change Research Program.  It contains 37 slides on the science and the potential consequences of climate change.  A written description (PDF) of the presentation is available.

Climate Variability and Human Health Program Announcement 2001.  "With the intent of stimulating integrated multidisciplinary studies and enhancing institutional collaboration, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), announce our interest in receiving research proposals to improve our understanding of the human health consequences related to climate variability and enhance the integration of useful climate information into public health policy and decision-making." Pre-proposals must be received by NOAA's Office of Global Programs (OGP) no later than January 31, 2001, and full proposals must be received no later than April 6, 2001.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Human Health and Global Climate Change.  Report (released 13 Dec 2000) from Pew Center on Global Climate Change.  See also press release, Warming May Pose Risks to Human Health, Report Finds; U.S. Better Able to Cope; Poor Countries Less; So Experts Say the Elderly, Sick and Poor are Most At Risk. (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Early Release of the Annual Energy Outlook 2001.  Document (dtd 7 Dec 2000) from the US Energy Information Administration.  "The Annual Energy Outlook 2001 (AEO2001) addresses the longer-term trends of electricity industry restructuring, fossil fuel supply and prices, and the impacts of economic growth on projected energy use and carbon dioxide emissions...Carbon dioxide emissions from energy use are projected to increase at an average rate of 1.4 percent per year from 1,511 to 2,041 million metric tons carbon equivalent between 1999 and 2020."  See also Economic Growth Seen As Key Determinant for Future Energy Use.  Press release (dtd 21 Dec 2000) from the US Energy Information Administration.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration], FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] Partner To Use Science And Space Technology For Disaster Prevention.  Press release (dtd 7 Dec 2000) from NASA Earth Science Enterprise.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Bad News For Third World: Warming Will Cut Rice Yields.  Press release (dtd 4 Dec 2000) from UniSci.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Effective Disaster Warnings (PDF). Report (dtd Nov 2000) from the Working Group on Natural Disaster Information Systems, Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction, Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), US National Science and Technology Council. "This document compiles into a single reference a wealth of information on public and private sector R&D capability to provide early warning of natural or technological hazards that threaten the safety and well-being of our citizens. It is designed to assist scientists, engineers, and emergency managers in developing more accurate and more numerous warnings as they deploy better sensors to measure key variables, employ better dynamic models, and expand their understanding of the causes of disasters. Warnings are becoming much more useful to society as lead-time and reliability are improved and as society devises ways to respond effectively."   (link posted 8 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

300 Years of Tree Ring Data Helps Colorado Water Managers Plan for Drought.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Science News of the Year.  Article (dtd 23 Dec 2000) from Science News.  Includes section on Paleobiology.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Historic records reveal links between El Niño, coastal erosion, and shifting sands of beaches in central California.   Press release (dtd 17 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Ice core from Antarctica indicates record warming spike 19,000 years ago.   Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

One-Stop Shopping for Ice Core Data Available on Internet, NOAA Scientists Tell AGU [American Geophysical Union]. Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from NOAA.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Microscopic Life Provides Clues About Past Climates, NOAA Scientist Tells AGU [American Geophysical Union]. Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from NOAA.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
Understanding the 
Earth's Climate System

More on this
 Focus Area

Improved rain predictions could improve flood forecasting.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from Penn State (distributed via EurekAlert).  (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Higher ocean temperatures linked to cooling in Midwest.  Press release (dtd 19 Jan 2001) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (distributed via EurekAlert). (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Rainfall change may give earlier signal of Niño.  Press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center--EOS Project Science Office  (distributed via EurekAlert).  See also Earlier Signal of El Niño Seen in Rainfall Shift, press release (dtd 18 Jan 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Frost Days Decreasing across the United States Except in Southeast, NOAA Reports.  Press release (dtd 15 Jan 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Pinning Down the Sun-Climate Connection.  Article (dtd 20 Jan 2001) from Science News Online. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Little Global-Scale Warming Seen During Past 22 Years.  Press release (dtd 17 Jan 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Eastern U.S. Keeps Its Cool.  Article (dtd 18 Jan 2001), including link to audio file, from Science@nasa.  See also Eastern United States Bucks Warming Trend.  Press release (dtd 15 Jan 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

NOAA Scientist and Colleague Find Extreme Climate Event...Without Even Trying.  Press release (dtd 10 Jan 2001) from NOAA. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Validity Of Global Climate Change Study Tool Doubted.  Press release (dtd 9 Jan 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Posted 8 Jan 2001: Department of Energy, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program: Call for Proposals Set for February 2001.  In a posting dated 3 January 2001, the ARM program says a call for proposals is in process and should be published sometime in February 2001. Brief pre-applications from those interested in proposing will be requested in the next several months, and the complete proposals will probably be due around mid-May 2001. At this point, more specific information is not available. The call will be posted (see the ARM "What's New" page) when it is actually published.  The  ARM program is the largest global change research program supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). ARM scientists focus on obtaining field measurements and developing models to better understand the processes that control solar and thermal infrared radiative transfer in the atmosphere (especially in clouds) and at the earth's surface. 

Science News of the Year.  Article (dtd 23 Dec 2000) from Science News.  Includes sections on Earth Science.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Scientists Track Phosphate To Better Understand Global Warming.  Article (dtd 26 Dec 2000) from ScienceDaily.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Global Warming Trend Stronger Than Had Been Thought.  Press release (dtd 14 Dec 2000) from UniSci.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

New Study Shows Global Warming Trend Greater without El Nino and Volcanic Influences.  Press release (dtd 13 Dec 2000) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Frozen Soils and the Climate System.  Article (dtd 11 Dec 2000) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Extended Range Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity and US Landfall Strike Probability for 2001.  Report (dtd 7 Dec 2000) from Gray et al.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Recent Climatic Conditions:

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...

Winter Snowfall Turns Ireland White
Winter Snowfall Turns Ireland White
 (link posted 24 Jan 2001)



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January 2001 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

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 Focus Area


More El Niños May Mean More Rainfall Extremes.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse Triggered by Warmer Summers.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from University of Colorado (Boulder).  See also Warmer Summers Trigger Ice Shelf Collapse.  Press release (dtd 16 Jan 2001) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (links posted 24 Jan 2001)

Small Glaciers Of The Andes May Vanish In 10-15 Years. Press release (dtd 17 Jan 2001) from UniSci. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Land Water Storage and Sea Level Rise.  Article (dtd Jan 2001) from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

Antarctic Contribution to Sea-level Rise Questioned.  Article (dtd 27 December 2000) from science@NASA.  "Scientists say that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is retreating more slowly than they thought. In fact, it may have been growing just 8,000 years ago -- long after the end of the most recent Ice Age." (link posted 24 Jan 2001)

New satellite-generated rain maps provide improved look at tropical rainfall.  Press release (dtd 18 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Lakeshore Residents Contribute To Global Warming Study.  Press release (dtd 18 Dec 2000) from UniSci.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Texas A&M researchers designing customized cyber-atlas for southern ocean.  Press release (dtd 18 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

West Antarctic Ice Sheet may be a smaller source of current sea-level rise.  Press release (dtd 16 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

West Antarctic ice sheet: are we afraid of the right thing?  Press release (dtd 15 Dec 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Water Resources of the United States (1.8MB PDF file).  Executive summary also available (MS Word document).  Report (released 13 December 2000)  by the Pacific Institute and US Dept of the Interior as part of the US National Assessment: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change.  See also press release, New Report  Focuses on Potential Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources.   (links posted 8 Jan 2001)

Antarctic Ice Tongue Disintegrating. Article (dtd 13 Dec 2000) from  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Low water level conditions continue on the Great Lakes.  Press release (dtd 6 Dec 2000) from Environment Canada.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Clouds and Climate Change: The Thick and Thin of It.  Article (dtd Dec 2000) from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.  (link posted 8 Jan 2001)

Audio file.Earth & Sky.  Daily science radio series, currently funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both transcripts & audio files are provided.  (links posted 8 Jan 2001)



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