Summary of Current Agreements                               March 6, 2008

                                               by Category for Each Unit of Measure
                                             Sorted by Limit in a Notional 12-Month Period 

  Conv. Fact.  14.90                             Category 648:  W&G MMF SLACKS/BREECHES/SHORTS
                                                        Base or                 ________________________
    Country         Level Coverage   Type  Coverage     Notional Level   Growth    Swing/Shift   CO   CF   Coverage Period
  _______________   _______________  ______________     _______________  ______   _____________  __   __ ___________________

  In DOZ:

  China             647/648           S.L.            10,298,709       15.00          6.000     2   0.00 01JAN2008-31DEC2008

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