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Your future

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Featured articles

  1. A Different Kind of Chocolate Lab a new moon article
  2. Girl-illa in the Mist a new moon article
  3. Extracurricular Excitement
  4. Life After High School
  5. Volunteering: Why Helping Out is In

Publications & web sites

  1. Federal resource  Check out more links from for helpful information on different types of careers.
  2. Federal resource  Environmental Health-Science Education – Check out these resources on environmental health sciences that can help you with your homework and give you ideas for summer opportunities.
  3. Federal resource Funding Education Beyond High School – The Guide to Federal Student Aid – Read this guide for information on student financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. It provides information on the different programs that are available and how to apply for them.
  4. Small picture of the United States flag – is the official kids' portal for the U.S. government. It links to over 1,200 web pages from government agencies, schools, and educational organizations, all geared to the learning level and interest of kids.
  5. Federal resource – Check out this site to learn about how to plan and pay for your education. It also provides information on career development and military service.
  6. Federal resource Teen Survival Guide – Our Teen Survival Guide has a section about planning for you future with a questionnaire you can fill out to discover more about your interests, talents, and career goals.
  7. After High School: Alternatives (Copyright © ThinkQuest) – If you don’t plan on going to a four-year college, check out this site to learn about alternatives such as two-year programs, academies, apprenticeships, careers, independent learning, internships, military service, travel abroad, and vocational or technical schools.
  8. – On this web site you will learn about careers in technology, play games, see how web pages are made, and more!
  9. Adobe PDF document Health Care for College Students (Copyright © AAP) (PDF - 456KB) – Starting college is exciting, but it also means you are more in charge of your health and well-being. Prepare yourself for this new responsibility by reading these tips your pediatrician wants you to know.
  10. Mapping Your Future – This site gives information on planning a career and choosing and paying for school.
  11. Plan for College (Copyright © – If you have so many questions about how to start planning for college that you don’t know where to start, this is the web site for you. Take a personality test and find out what careers are recommended for you, learn about what exams you will have to take before applying to college, and a lot more.
  12. Studio 2B (Copyright © GS USA) – This site from the Girl Scouts of America provides information on life, school, and career development.
  13. The Downside to Being an Overachiever (Copyright © – Does it feel sometimes like you are expected to do it all?  Get good grades, play sports, volunteer, join clubs… But is there a downside to being an overachiever?  This article will explain how “doing it all” can hurt you.
  14. Youth At Work – This web site is for working youth and is designed to teach you about some of your rights and responsibilities as an employee in the real world.


  1. Federal resource  US Department of Education
  2. Federal resource  Youth 2 Work (United States Department of Labor)
  3. 4-H
  4. Boys and Girls Clubs of America
  5. Girl Scouts
  6. Girls Incorporated
  7. Kids Health
  8. YMCA
  9. YWCA


Federal resource = This article, publication, web site, or organization is from the U.S. government.

Adobe PDF Document = You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader® to view some of these files after you've downloaded them. If you have problems with PDF documents, please download the latest version of the Reader®.

New Moon icon = This article is from New Moon, a magazine written for girls by girls. Check out the complete list of the New Moon articles on

Content last updated June 23, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
