NIH Buildings
Medical and Scientific Personnel

    Management Intern Profile

    Sheria Washington
    Management Intern Class of 2009

    Sheria Washington started her career working as a Program Support Specialist for the NIH Clinical Center Nursing Department. While there, she assisted in coordinating the move for patients and staff from the Magnuson Clinical Center to the Hatfield Clinical Research Center, she managed the implementation of the CRC Partners Team infrastructure, and assisted in conducting several emergency preparedness drills. She received her Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management from University of Maryland University College. She also completed certificates in Information Management and Professional Project Management. Sheria is currently working to receive her Masters in Business Administration, also from UMUC.

    As a Management Intern, Sheria would like to gain experience in strategic management and project management, while gaining a broad and unique understanding of the NIH. Sheria has completed rotations for the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Business Transformation for DHHS, and in the Office of Strategic and Innovative Programs for NHLBI. She is preparing to start a rotation at the Fogarty International Center in the Division of International Relations. Upon completion of the Internship, Sheria would like to obtain a position as a Management Analyst, helping to support the NIH mission of improving health among all people and reducing the burdens of illness and disability.
