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Burial Listings

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Mexican War Dead or Veterans

Mexico City National Cemetery

At the Mexico City National Cemetery there are 750 American soldiers buried that were killed during the Mexican War. Their remains were gathered in 1851, four years after the war, and buried in a common grave at this cemetery. They were not identified so they are classified as unknown soldiers. In addition there are eight veterans of the Mexican War buried at this cemetery:

Name Service
Santiago Wright Veteran of Mexican War
Nathaniel S. Reneau Private Company G, 1st Tennessee Mounted Volunteers
John E. Frey Corporal, Company F, 3rd US Infantry
William Jacobs Brown Pennsylvania Regiment
George Smith Veteran of Mexican War
George Heyser Pennsylvania Regiment
James G. Holleman Private Company L, 1st Tennessee Mounted Volunteers
James E. Slaughter 1st Lieutenant, Artillery
