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emergency preparedness
About Emergency Preparedness

Our nation and the world are focused on the need for emergency preparedness. Natural disasters, chemical and radiological emergencies, mass casualties and outbreaks can have devastating consequences on human lives while taxing a region's public health infrastructure.

  • Avian Influenza Guidelines
    Interim infection control guidelines for health care facilities in the event of an avian influenza outbreak, issued by The World Health Organization (WHO).
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  • Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
    The Plan describes more than 300 critical actions, many of which have already been initiated, to address the threat of pandemic influenza.
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  • Interregional spread of influenza
    Researchers at the NIH conclude that the regional spread of annual influenza epidemics throughout the United States is more closely connected with rates of movement of people to and from work than with geographical distance or air travels.
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  • pandemicFlu.gov
    The official U.S. government web site for information on pandemic flu and avian influenza. This is the most reliable governmental source on the topic.
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  • The Ready Campaign
    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security promotes individual emergency preparedness through the Ready Campaign. It is designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. + Read more
More Resources
biothreats icon Biological
Information and resources regarding biological threats.
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chemthreats icon Chemical
Information about chemical threats.
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hurricane_flags icon Natural Disasters & Severe Weather
Health and safety resources related to natural disasters and severe weather for the professional.
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alert icon Outbreaks & Incidents
Avian Influenza alerts and information issued by various health organizations.
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radthreats icon Radiological
Information and resources about radiological threats.
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