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PKI Technical Working Group Charter  

Background and Purpose     The Federal Public Key Infrastructure (FPKI) Steering Committee was created to provide guidance to Federal agencies, executive agents, and the Government Information Technology Services Board concerning issues related to the development of a Federal Public Key Infrastructure. To complete this mission, the FPKI Steering Committee chartered three standing working groups which will provide expert advice to the Steering Committee and provide the Steering Committee with recommended actions and tools for addressing technical, business application, and legal/policy questions. 

Mission     The Technical Working Group (TWG) will respond to issues presented to it by the FPKI Steering Committee relating to the technical implications of developing FPKI. The TWG may also produce position papers addressing FPKI issues on its own volition for presentation to the FPKI Steering Committee and will provide a forum for discussion of technical issues relating to implementation of the FPKI. Acting by consensus, the TWG will research related technical and technical policy materials and develop technical recommendations which address issues such as the secure implementation of public key cryptographic techniques, the contents of Federal certificates, and the certificate extensions required to manage and ensure the integrity of the FPKI. The TWG will make technical recommendations about Federal Information Processing Standards that may be needed for a public key infrastructure, and the technical barriers which must be addressed to support an effective FPKI that  interoperates usefully with the larger national PKI to facilitate security and electronic commerce. 

Membership     Membership is open to all parties who have an active interest in the FPKI. 

Roles and Responsibilities      The FPKI Steering Committee will name the chairperson of the TWG and that individual will serve at the discretion of the FPKI Steering Committee. The TWG Chair will coordinate and run regular TWG meetings and report to the FPKI Steering Committee. Other duties will be determined by the FPKI Steering Committee. Members of the TWG will be expected to attend the meetings, participate in the discussions at these meetings, and research issues assigned by the TWG chair. All final decisions and recommendations reached by the TWG will be determined by consensus, with appropriate reference given to alternative viewpoints. 

Resources     Each TWG member will provide her/his own funding. 


Patricia N. Edfors 
Chair, FPKI Steering Committee 

Last updated: November 2, 2004
Page created: December 28, 1997
