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MODIS Land Quality Assessment page
    Product Quality:
  • Product Quality Documentation - Terra C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Terra
  • Product Quality Documentation - Aqua C4   C5
  • Known Product Issues - Aqua
  • On use of C5 with C4

    Product Definitions:
  • Product User Guides
  • Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
  • Product Interdependencies
  • Product File Specifications
  • Product ESDT and SDS

    Science Team Links:
  • QA Tools
  • Land Science Test
  • Collection 5 Changes
  • MODAPS Production and Data Ordering
  • Platform and Calibration
  • C5 Algorithm Updates (PCR)
  • Maneuver List

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    QA Personnel

    Web Navigation:
  • QA Home Page
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    On use of C5 with C4

    Collection 5 reprocessing of MODIS Land Data Products since the first day of data acquisition by the MODIS instrument on-board the Terra satellite began in September of 2006 at the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS). The data produts will be soon released to the public from the LP-DAAC and NSIDC-DAAC data distribution site. For more information on the availability of the data please visit and

    C5 data products are produced using the latest available versions of the science algorithms developed by the MODIS Land Science Team incorporating changes to fix known problems in the C4 version of the product and proposed C5 science improvements to the products. The C5 version of the product format may have changed from the C4 version. The quality of the C5 product both at the pixel level and the granule level may differ from the C4 version. For more information on the C5 algorithm changes please visit page MODIS Land Collection 5 Changes

    Disclaimer: Due to difference in Sciecne Quality of the products users are advised not to combine the C4 and C5 data in project_applications.


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    Web Master: Demi Feng
    NASA Official: Ed Masuoka Code 614.5
    Last Updated: August 21, 2008