Known issues in Pointer products (MYDPT1KM, MYDPTHKM, MYDPTQKM, MYDPT1KD, MYDPT1KN) and L2G Viewing Geometry (MYDMGGAD, MYDMGGAN)

The information listed on this site is for the express purpose of communication
with the MODIS Land (MODLAND) Science Team and related parties.


Color Key Case pending Case closed Case reopened QA note
Case number Opening Date Last Update
Status Description
SD_MYDPNTR_05091 04/01/05 04/01/05 Pending Missing orbit number in the L2G pointer file.
SD_MYDPNTR_02223a 08/20/02 08/20/02 Note Some of the L2G pointer files are not produced for data day 2002225.

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Last Updated: 04/01/2005