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Mallik Project
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Tim Collett
Lead Scientist

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The Mallik Project

About Mallik
Location Map Mallik Images
Illustration: Mallik Location Map
Mallik Location Map. (Larger Image)

The road to Mallik was an extension of the ice road from Inuvik. Ice roads are built in areas where construction of year-round roads is expensive due to many river crossings, the presence of boggy muskeg and permafrost landscapes. Ice road construction to the Mallik site, “. . . until ice thicknesses on the Mackenzie River are sufficient to support the weight of specially equipped pick-up trucks . . .” (NRCan).  Ice roads also lessen the impacts to the tundra. Agencies including USGS, NOAA, BLM and others are also studying the environmental impacts of ice roads using GIS, permafrost depth analysis and other methodology.


GSC Bulletin 585 - Scientific results from the Mallik 2002 gas hydrate production research well program

63 technical research papers and accompanying databases presented in this publication are far reaching in their impact, and provide an extraordinary level of detail on one of the world's most concentrated gas hydrate deposits.


Recent Publications IconRECENT PUBLICATIONS

Natural Gas Hydrates: Vast Resource, Uncertain Future.
USGS Factsheet 021-01


"Mallik 2002" International Program Site. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) website.

ICDP - Mallik 2002 - A companion Mallik 2002 Web site

The Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan. (also known as the MH21 Research Consortium) - Web site shares Gas Hydrate research activities including information from the "Mallik International Symposium" (Dec. 8-10, 2003).




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