Home -> About the U.S. Climate Change Science Program ->Staff of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program Office -> Rebecca J. Romsdahl
US Climate Change Science Program
23 May 2007

Former Staff of the U.S. Climate
Change Science Program Office
Rebecca J. Romsdahl



Climate Change Science & Technology Management Structure (Organizational Chart)

See also:  Overview of U.S. Research on Climate and Global Change.


Rebecca RomsdahlPosition: Rebecca was an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the Climate Change Science Program.

Responsibilities: Rebecca Romsdahl was with the US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), from October 2005 through August 2006.  She was seconded from the Global Change Research Program in the Environmental Protection Agency's National Center for Environmental Assessment. Romsdahl acted as support staff for and works with the CCSP Human Contributions & Responses interagency working group. In this capacity, she acted as a central point of contact for working group members and provided general support in coordinating meetings, responding to queries, and reviewing documents. She also operated as liaison between CCSP and the National Academies Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change (CHDGC). Romsdahl assisted in the CCSP Workshop: Climate Science in Support of Decision Making by communicating with Workshop participants, serving as a rapporteur. Following the Workshop, she organized electronic copies of the participants‚ presentations and posters which are archived on the CCSP website and in DVD format. She published peer-reviewed articles on topics of communicating human dimensions of environmental change and conducted previous research with the CHDGC.


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