Home -> About the U.S. Climate Change Science Program ->Staff of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program Office -> Gloria Rapalee
US Climate Change Science Program
23 May 2007

Former Staff of the U.S. Climate
Change Science Program Office
Gloria Rapalee



Climate Change Science & Technology Management Structure (Organizational Chart)

See also:  Overview of U.S. Research on Climate and Global Change.


Position: Gloria was Program Officer for Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Research Elements

Responsibilities: Gloria Rapalee served as Program Officer from September 2003 until September 2006. She was an employee of University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). She was responsible for providing administrative support and coordination for the Carbon Cycle (CCIWG) and Ecosystems (EIWG) Interagency Working Groups and the U.S. Carbon Cycle Scientific Steering Group. She worked closely with the chairs of all three groups. In this capacity, she participated in teleconferences and assisted in preparations for regular meetings by writing up and distributing meeting records and other materials related to the groups’ work.


US Climate Change Science Program, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: www.climatescience.gov. Webmaster:
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