Referencing LBNL Isotopes Project Nuclear Data Dissemination Websites

The websites provided through the LBNL Isotopes Project Nuclear Data Dissemination Home Page are authored by Richard B. Firestone of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Users are given unrestricted access to that data provided on this site as indicated here. The date of the last major data revision for each website is indicated at the site.

A recommended citation format for this Internet page is

LBNL Isotopes Project Nuclear Data Dissemination Home Page. Retrieved March 11, 2002, from

The Internet page name can be substituted when referring to other sites, and the date should coincide with when the information was retrieved.

For more information contact

Richard B. Firestone, e-mail:
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
MailStop 50A-1148
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-486-7646
Fax: 510-486-5757

Last updated January 5, 2003