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Found 11 studies with search of:   "Endostatins"

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1 Recruiting Neoadjuvant Endostatin and Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
Condition: Breast Cancer
Interventions: Drug: docetaxel and epirubicin;   Drug: docetaxel and epirubicin plus endostatin
2 Active, not recruiting Safety and Efficacy of Adenoviral Endostatin in the Treatment of Advanced Solid Tumor
Condition: Advanced Solid Tumor
Interventions: Drug: Antangiogenesis;   Gene Transfer: endostatin gene
3 Terminated rhEndostatin Protein Involving Pediatric Patients With Cancer
Condition: Solid Tumors
Intervention: Drug: rhEndostatin
4 Completed Endostatin in Treating Patients With Advanced Refractory Solid Tumors
Condition: Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific
Intervention: Drug: recombinant human endostatin
5 Completed Endostatin in Treating Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors
Condition: Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific
Intervention: Drug: recombinant human endostatin
6 Recruiting Adjuvant Vinorelbine Plus Cisplatin (NP) Versus NP Plus Endostar in Patients With Completely Resected Stage IB-IIIA Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Condition: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Intervention: Drug: recombinant human endostatin
7 Recruiting Paclitaxel Plus Carboplatin With Endostar in Patients of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Condition: Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Intervention: Drug: Endostar(Recombinant Human Endostatin Injection)
8 Recruiting Phase II Trial of E10A in Head and Neck Cancer
Conditions: Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma;   Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Interventions: Drug: E10A;   Drug: Cisplatin;   Drug: Paclitaxel
9 Recruiting Impact of Endostar Combined With Chemotherapy on the Angiogenesis of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Condition: Lung Neoplasms
Interventions: Drug: Treated by endostar combined with docetaxel and cisplatin;   Drug: Treated by docetaxel and cisplatin
10 Active, not recruiting Angiogenic/Angiostatic Mediators in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis
Condition: Systemic Sclerosis
11 Completed Comparison of Systemic Response After Laparoscopies Performed With Standard and Low-Pressure Pneumoperitoneum
Condition: Laparoscopy.

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