Report title: Listings of model values for the simulation of ground-water flow in the Cimarron River alluvium and terrace deposits from Freedom to Guthrie, Oklahoma

Report number: OFR 95-735

Authors: Gregory P. Adams


This report contains MODFLOW input and output listings for the simulation of ground-water flow in alluvium and terrace deposits associated with the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie, Oklahoma. These values are to be used in conjuction with the report, "Geohydrology of alluvium and terrace deposits of the Cimarron River from Freedom to Guthrie, Oklahoma," by G.P. Adams and D.L. Bergman, published as U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigatons Report 95-4066. The simulation used a digital ground-water flow model and was evaluated by a management and statistical program.
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