Report Title: Selected water-level records for western Oklahoma, 1975-76

Report Number: OFR 77-239

Author: Robert L. Goemaat


A systematic program to collect water-level records in Oklahoma began in 1937. The objectives of this program are (1) to provide long-term records of water-level fluctuations in representative wells, (2) to facilitate the prediction of water-level trends and indicate future availability of ground-water supplies, and (3) to provide information for use in basic research.

Water-level data in table 1 are from wells that are measured annually, prior to the irrigation season to achieve the most natural representation of the static water level. Water level measurements listed in the column under 1975 may have been made during December, 1974 or January or February, 1975. Measurements listed in the column 1976 may have been made during December 1975 or January or February 1976. Figure 1 shows the counties and number of wells therein, where data were obtained for this report.

The stratigraphic nomenclature and age determinations used in this report are those accepted by the Oklahoma Geological Survey and do not necessarily agree with those at the U.S. Geological Survey.

Records of water levels in Oklahoma are collected through a cooperative program by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The records are tabulated and published by the U.S. Geological Survey on an annual basis.
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