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Basic Staffing and Placement (Paper-Based)

(Course Available After Purchase)$265

What could be more important than hiring quality staff who perform successfully? This course teaches you about the federal hiring process, procedures that must be followed when hiring employees, and how to select and retain the best-qualified candidates for your agency's jobs. This course is part of the Human Resources Management Certificate Level 1, program that can be completed entirely through distance education.

In this independent study print-based course, assistance is available as needed. Take up to six months to complete.

Who Should Attend?
This course is for HR staff, administrative, EEO or employee relations staff and anyone who needs knowledge of federal hiring requirements. Equivalent to 40 classroom hours.
Syllabus -- Basic Staffing and Placement, STAF7100N, Grad. School, USDA

Lesson 1 - Hiring Federal Employees: Merit Staffing

  • Legal requirements that govern merit staffing
  • Agency requirements
  • Principles that undergird merit staffing
  • Who has responsibility for the staffing process
  • Staffing and the HR process

Lesson 2-Receiving the Recruitment Request

  • Where do requests come from?
  • What do requests include?
  • What should I do with a request?
  • Responsibilities of supervisors and HR staff

Lesson 3-Identifying the Staffing Processes

  • Competitive Service
  • Merit promotion/internal placement
  • Noncompetitive procedures
  • Time-limited
  • Excepted service
  • Selection for excepted service positions

Lesson 4-Filling Vacancies

  • The recruitment process
  • Rating Candidates
  • Using the Quals Handbook
  • Time-in-grade restrictions
  • Time-after-competitive-appointment restrictions
  • Overview of the ranking process

Lesson 5-Ranking Candidates

  • Using competitive examining
  • Using merit promotion procedures
  • Analyzing the job
  • Developing KSAs
  • Measuring KSAs
  • Preparing the certificate
  • Issuing the certificate

Lesson 6-Interviewing Candidates

  • Job-related questions
  • Questions you should never ask
  • Conducting the interview

Lesson 7-Selecting Candidates

  • Working a certificate
  • Reference checks
  • Processing selection actions
  • Preemployment/appointment packages

Lesson 8-Pay Issues for Recruitment, Salary Negotiation

  • Federal pay systems
  • Minimum rate
  • Highest previous rate
  • Superior qualifications appointment; special qualifications appointment
  • Special salary rates
  • Recruitment bonus
  • Relocations bonus
  • Making decisions

Course Details
TYPE:  Distance Education
LENGTH:  Up to 6 Month(s)
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