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Environmental and Earth Science Archives

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Ask-A-Scientist Archive

Environmental and Earth Science

November 1991- Current


Table of Contents

  1. Careers In Environmental Science
  2. Teaching Environmental Issues
  3. Recycling Codes
  4. Recycling Plastics
  5. Trash
  6. Trash Build Up
  7. Water Pollution
  8. Pollution Longevity
  9. Polystyrene Foam
  10. Truck Pollution
  11. Auto Emission Gases
  12. Synthetic Motor Oil
  13. Toxic "Soap" / Oil Spills
  14. Motor Oil
  15. Electric Cars
  16. EMF Measurement and Health Risks
  17. Ozone Damage / Waste Disposal
  18. The Ozone Layer
  19. Ozone Creation
  20. Ozone at South Pole
  21. Ozone at Ground Level
  22. Regional Ozone Depletion
  23. Ozone hole location
  24. Ozone Hole Movement
  25. Rush Limbaugh Ozone Theory
  26. The Largest Ozone Holes
  27. How has Ozone Depletion Affected New York State?
  28. Adirondack Park
  29. Ozone and Gases
  30. Ozone Holes
  31. Problems of Ozone
  32. Cause for Global Warming/Hole in Ozone Layer
  33. Global Warming / Nuclear Winter
  34. Global warming
  35. Rate of Global Warming
  36. Burning of Rain Forests
  37. Medicines
  38. Why Save the Rain Forests?
  39. How Long Do You Think the Rain Forest Will Last?
  40. Deforestation Rate
  41. Rain forest clearing in South America
  42. Rain forest
  43. Rain forest Longevity
  44. Endangered Species
  45. Thunder and Lightning
  46. What is thunder?
  47. Wind/What makes the wind?
  48. Weather and pollution link
  49. Water and Iron
  50. Volcanoes/Effect on Climate and Pollution
  51. Kindergarten Convection Question
  52. PCB treatment
  53. Polluted Airwaves
  54. Efficiency of Fluorescent Lights
  55. Hanford Info
  56. Radioactive Wastes of the Integrated Fast-Breeder (IFR)
  57. Raccoon rabies vaccine
  58. Women in Environmental Science
  59. Environmentalism
  60. Project Suggestion
  61. Gravity
  62. Environmental Science defined
  63. Environmental issues resources
  64. NEWTON sources
  65. Environmental Protection Agency
  66. Greenpeace
  67. Career information in environmental areas
  68. Teaching environmental science to K-6 students
  69. Solar cooker
  70. Solar oven construction
  71. High power lines and the effect on humans
  72. The effects of polluted water in the human body
  73. Environmental triggers of asthma
  74. Effects of coral dust
  75. Second hand smoke
  76. Pressure versus Temperature and cloud formation
  77. Historic weather records
  78. Record cold in Chicago, IL
  79. Lightning: Venus verses Earth
  80. Lightning use
  81. Speed of a lightning bolt
  82. The edge of rain
  83. Amount of rain hitting the windshield
  84. Dark thunder clouds
  85. White snow
  86. Snow creation
  87. Snow is cold
  88. Winter versus summer clouds
  89. Weather prediction without radar
  90. Weather systems from west to east
  91. Causes of hurricanes
  92. Indian summer origins
  93. Radon pollution
  94. Dioxin
  95. Questions about the rainforests
  96. Government preservation of rainforests
  97. Rainforest depletion and extinction
  98. Stopping the destruction of the rainforest
  99. Effects of decreasing rainforests on humans
  100. Saving the rainforest and job employment
  101. Effect of cutting the rainforest on Earth
  102. Dangerous animals in the rainforest
  103. Acid rain explained
  104. Acid rain
  105. Acid rain effects
  106. SO2 and acid rain
  107. Acid rain and leaching of lead in soil
  108. Acid rain damage to buildings
  109. Acid rain in San Francisco
  110. Illness in humans due to acid rain
  111. Acid rain experiment request
  112. Fresh water supply
  113. Water conservation
  114. Waste water Management
  115. Sanctuaries for manatees
  116. Favorite endangered animals
  117. Most endangered species
  118. Endangered dragonfly
  119. Waterglenn wetlands project
  120. Bald eagle and endangered species
  121. Endangered species listing
  122. Animal conservation and biodiversity preservation
  123. Endangered species and the law
  124. Endangered species and politics
  125. Global warming causes
  126. Greenhouse warming and precipitation
  127. Greenhouse effect opinion
  128. Global warming
  129. Man's contribution to greenhouse gasses
  130. Measuring air quality
  131. Emission requirements
  132. Automobile emission standards
  133. Plan to decrease CO2 in the atmosphere
  134. Greenhouse effect and Antarctica
  135. Cow burps and greenhouse effect
  136. Global warming and unusual weather patterns
  137. Global warming and humidity
  138. Ozone depletion and melting ice
  139. Fossil fuel depletion
  140. Disappearing ozone layer
  141. Existence of ozone hole
  142. Hole in the ozone layer not at concentrated pollution
  143. A hole from the north pole to the south pole
  144. Finding ozone holes
  145. Repair of the ozone hole
  146. Creating ozone to replenish the atmosphere
  147. Ultraviolet detection
  148. Life after ozone depletion
  149. Ozone depletion
  150. Ozone layer and effects on life
  151. CFC's and ozone
  152. Air conditioning and the environment
  153. Fluorocarbons and the ozone
  154. Freon substitution
  155. Ozone layer and Earth's magnetic field
  156. Effect of recycling on ozone layer
  157. Aluminum cans and the ozone layer
  158. Solution to ozone depletion and nuclear winter
  159. Composition of oil
  160. Oil spill cleanup and temperature
  161. Oil spill experiment
  162. Effects of oil spills
  163. Oil and water in an oil spill
  164. Microbes and cleaning oil spills
  165. Alternative resources to petroleum
  166. Alternatives to our depleting oil supply
  167. Oil depletion
  168. Petroleum usage by the late 1990's
  169. Energy crisis and the future
  170. Consequences of vanishing oil
  171. Energy and its relationship to the environment
  172. Oil reserves in the United States
  173. Nuclear reactors or combustible oil products for energy
  174. Urban environmental affects
  175. Cause of air pollution
  176. Incinerator pollution, dioxin, and trash reduction
  177. Truck pollution
  178. Measuring indoor air pollution
  179. Carbon monoxide in the kitchen
  180. Volatile emissions from neighborhood activities
  181. Transportation contributing little pollution
  182. Getting rid of water and air pollution
  183. Photographic development and the environment
  184. "Rubbed Off" rubber
  185. Coral reefs and pollution
  186. Dirty water effects on humans
  187. Polluted water
  188. Pollution solutions
  189. Landfills and leachate
  190. Decomposition rate of garbage
  191. Room for landfills
  192. Landfills census and projection
  193. Trash in Space
  194. Contaminated soil
  195. Testing for lead in soil
  196. Effects of quarries on the environment
  197. Plastic Recycling
  198. Insects and recycling
  199. Polystyrene Foam recycling
  200. Recycling gases from burning coal and oil
  201. Emissions from natural gas scrubbing plants
  202. Environmental effects of recycling
  203. Garbage dumps and recycling
  204. Houses of recycled materials
  205. Trees to build a home
  206. Active solar heating for a house
  207. Hemp instead of timber for paper
  208. Paper waste comparisons
  209. Ecology Facts
  210. Nuclear power plants in China
  211. Chernobyl: full or partial meltdown
  212. Chernobyl update
  213. Nuclear storage site
  214. High level nuclear waste storage
  215. Plutonium disposal
  216. Safety precautions for nuclear waste
  217. Final disposal of hazardous material waste
  218. Energy sources in Burns, Oregon
  219. Carbon percentage of gasoline
  220. Using water as a fuel
  221. Tidal energy
  222. Effects of solar power in future
  223. Recumbent bicycle resources
  224. Photovoltaics and electricity production
  225. Most serious, current, environmental concern
  226. Space Shuttle fuel
  227. MTBE (gasoline additive) and the environment
  228. Effects of Dinitrophenol on life forms
  229. Environmentally safe lawn care chemicals
  230. Environmentally safe weed killer
  231. Health hazards of asbestos
  232. Bovine growth hormone safety
  233. Livable environment without gravity
  234. Better for environment--glue or tape
  235. Natural disasters
  236. Oxygen deprivation of Earth
  237. Illinois prairie
  238. Composition of compost
  239. Garter snakes in an environmental system
  240. Forest succession
  241. Formation of crop circles
  242. Animal waste products in cosmetics
  243. Cause of death of dinosaurs
  244. White deer at Argonne National Laboratory
  245. Mosquitos eradication and environmental imbalance
  246. Feeding the world's population
  247. Treatment of Earth
  248. Changes in an abused Earth
  249. Ice age
  250. Melting rates of polar ice caps
  251. Taxol availability
  252. Moth balls
  253. Gold
  254. Water Cycle
  255. Earth's Center and Gravity
  256. Metoeortie Mass
  257. Tornado Equipment
  258. Earth's Tilt
  259. UV Radiation Variations
  260. Artic Circle and Light
  261. Color of Salt/Fresh Water
  262. Meteorites Craters
  263. Thermal Pollution by Reactors
  264. Earth's Water
  265. Quarries and the Environment
  266. Lightning Warnings
  267. Ocean Tides
  268. Seasons
  269. Lightning Direction
  270. Altitude Freezing
  271. Earth's Rotational Speed
  272. Dewpoint
  273. Meteorite Craters
  274. Antarctica Time
  275. Magnetic North Seekers
  276. Earth's End
  277. Mountains with Ocean Fossils
  278. Earth's Directional Spin
  279. Earth's Spinning Speed
  280. Shale vs Slate
  281. Temperature Changes and Altitude
  282. Fossil Fuels and Oil
  283. Seasons in Simple Terms
  284. Ice Caps Melting
  285. Lava Flow Viscosity
  286. Magnetic Pole Reversal Effects
  287. Under Ocean Mountains
  288. Earth's Rotation Decrease
  289. Temperature Measurement
  290. Lightning Detector
  291. Soil Nitrates
  292. Coldest Temperature
  293. Cloud Formation
  294. Pangaea
  295. Thunder/Lightning in a Snowstorm
  296. Tornado Records
  297. Pollution and Plants
  298. Cloud Movement
  299. Coldest Region
  300. Salt in the Ocean
  301. Landfill Decomposition Rate
  302. Damp Weather
  303. Weather Balloon
  304. Earth's Rotational Speed
  305. Mountain Formation
  306. Higher Up, the Colder
  307. Desalination
  308. Sunrise-Sunset Tables
  309. Earth's Rotational Speed
  310. Heat Lightning
  311. Earth's Structure
  312. Aging Rocks
  313. Earth Pole Reversal
  314. Red at Night...
  315. Tornado Catagories
  316. San Andreas Fault Motion
  317. Lightning Strikes and Minerals
  318. Tornado's Center
  319. Pine Cones and Weather
  320. Rainfall Web Site
  321. Ozone layer
  322. Storms and Cloud Darkness
  323. Salt and the Great Lakes
  324. Gravity
  325. Primitive Ocean Names
  326. Weather Balloon Filling
  327. Earth-Moon Age
  328. Weather Pressures
  329. Weather Optics
  330. Climate Regions
  331. Cold Poles
  332. Iowa Crater
  333. Sea Level Measurement
  334. Earth's Circumference
  335. Ocean Pollution
  336. Earth's Rotation Point
  337. Earth and Moon Rotation
  338. Earth Circumference Calculations
  339. Earth's Internal Heat
  340. Pressure at Sea Level
  341. Weather Balloons
  342. Asthenosphere
  343. Earth-Moon Ages
  344. Tidal Power
  345. Moon's Rotation
  346. Ammonia Dichromate Volcano
  347. Earth's Slowing
  348. Artic Water
  349. Water Loss
  350. Earth-Sun Distance
  351. Logs and Richter
  352. Richter Scale
  353. California Clouds
  354. Soil Water Retention
  355. Ice Aging
  356. Tidal Power
  357. Lake Temperature Strata
  358. Ozone Layer Dynamics
  359. Artic Water
  360. Moon's Motion
  361. Number of Continents
  362. Tidal Calculations
  363. Earth's Angle
  364. Ice Caps Melting Magnetic Pole Reversal
  365. Mineral and Rocks Sites
  366. Trapping Gasses and Oil
  367. Decaying Magnetic Earth?
  368. Sea Level
  369. Cooling Earth
  370. Tidal Differences
  371. Earthquake Areas
  372. Ocean Levels
  373. Contour Maps
  374. Tidal Effects on Coasts
  375. Heat Transfer and the Earth
  376. Decomposition of Materials
  377. Lawn Chemicals
  378. Appalachian Mountain Range
  379. Percession
  380. Moth Ball Crystals
  381. Rock Types
  382. Sea vs Oceans
  383. Earth Evolution
  384. Freezing Ocean Water and Salt
  385. Compass Pointing
  386. Soil Water Retention
  387. Global Warming
  388. Weight and Mass Affects
  389. Ghyben-Herzberg Lens
  390. Torch Danger
  391. Thermal Conductivity of Clay
  392. Polar Ice Caps
  393. Pangea Motion (Pangaea)
  394. Pacific Volcanic Islands
  395. Volcanic Eruptions and the Earth's Core
  396. Earth's Tides
  397. Filtering Sediments
  398. Diamond Colors
  399. Iceberg Composition
  400. Ice Cores
  401. Slicks
  402. Geomagnetic Drift
  403. Earth's Core
  404. Geomagnetic Drift (2)
  405. Tilt of Earth's Axis
  406. Water's Origin
  407. Void Ratio of Sand
  408. Speed of Tsunami Wave
  409. Blue Arctic Ice
  410. Earth Science Research Scientists
  411. Convection Current Shape
  412. Ozone Hole Local
  413. Earth's Heat Source
  414. Latitude Half Circumference of Equator
  415. Seismogram and Free Oscillation
  416. Water and Soil Types
  417. Soil as a Filter
  418. Evaporation Cycle
  419. Lava Flow and Crystals
  420. Meteor Identification
  421. Arctic Circle and Antarctica
  422. Diamonds and Coal
  423. Sand Viscosity
  424. Fluorspar Contamination
  425. pH of Sand
  426. Coldest Pole
  427. Jurassic Sidereal Day
  428. Planet Earth Name
  429. Snow Melting
  430. Copper and Rain
  431. Ice and the Lithosphere
  432. Volcano Gass and Global Warming
  433. Ocean Volume
  434. Tidal Formula
  435. Icicle Formation
  436. Age of Ozone Layer
  437. Coal, Diamond, or Graphite
  438. Dissolved Oxygen
    in Great Lakes
  439. Freezing CO2
  440. Solid Earth Core
  441. Defining Location
  442. Convection and Earth's Plates
  443. Alstonite Uses
  444. Lagoon Restoration
  445. Varying Concentrations of Gases
  446. Tide Calculation Algorithm
  447. Sweet Ground Water at Coasts
  448. Pre-Pangaea Techtonics
  449. Volcanologist Tools
  450. Ice Age and Earth's Parameters
  451. Elevation Reference
  452. Soil Pore Size Determination
  453. Earth's Tilt
  454. Eruptions and Ozone
  455. Water Cycle Time
  456. Temperature vs. Depth
  457. Sea Level Change in Last Century
  458. Shear in Rocks
  459. Quick Sand Demo
  460. Lunar Data for Measurement
  461. Crystal Comparison Activity
  462. Hydrates of Gypsum
  463. Visualizing Change In Axis Tilt
  464. Perigee and Spring Tides
  465. Measuring True East
  466. Calculating Galactic Distances
  467. Sunrise and Sunset Times
  468. Volcano Demonstration
  469. Solute in Sample, Distance From Shore
  470. Tides
  471. Methane and Global Warming
  472. Change in Earth's Inclination
  473. Arctic Circle and Wobble
  474. Cave Temperature and Depth
  475. Color and Insolation
  476. Source of Volcanic Heat
  477. Seismic Refraction
  478. Technology and Techtonics
  479. Earthquake Frequency Trend
  480. Soil and Acidity
  481. Earth layers
  482. Coal Identification
  483. Proving Wave Types in Earthquakes
  484. Petrified Wood Formation
  485. Refractive Index of Minerals
  486. Reading a Seismograph
  487. Tides in Florida
  488. Soil Age
  489. Weight of Mountain
  490. Lime to Gypsum
  491. Identifying Rock Layers
  492. Volume of Earth's Water
  493. Earth Layers
  494. Plate Motion and Time
  495. Water Creating Caves
  496. Mountains by Land and By Sea
  497. Non-seismic Methods for Earth's Interior
  498. Age of Map and Magnetic Declination
  499. Planetary Size and Smoothness
  500. Mud Cracks
  501. Land Tides
  502. Power of Doubled River
  503. Percent Land vs Water at Equator
  504. Planetary Size and Smoothness
  505. Scratching Diamonds
  506. Axis Angle to Ecliptic
  507. Freon Transport in Atmosphere
  508. Water Location at Low Tide
  509. Twelve Plate Evidence
  510. Identifying Composition of Sand
  511. Hardness of Mantle
  512. Hill Height to be Mountain
  513. Salt Supply in Earth's Crust
  514. Well Water Changes
  515. Florida Earthquakes
  516. Brook pH, Aluminum, and Viability
  517. Depth of Ground Freeze
  518. Axis Angle to Ecliptic
  519. Regrowth of Ozone Layer
  520. Mineral Transformation
  521. Lunar and Earth Mountains
  522. Igneous to Metamorphic
  523. Volcano Classification
  524. Polluted Lakes and Groundwater
  525. Minerals and Gems
  526. Devastating Earthquake and Earth's Rotation
  527. Earth Cool Down Time
  528. Top soil
  529. Maldives and Banda Aceh Tsunami
  530. North and South Pole Differences
  531. Subduction of Ocean Floor
  532. Earth Core Temperature
  533. Volcanoes and Combustion
  534. Fires and Nitrogen Cycle
  535. Where Do Evaporants Go?
  536. Wave Transport and Wet Beaches
  537. River Flow
  538. Folding versus Faulting Mountains
  539. P, S waves and Tsunamis
  540. Percentage of Salts in Ocean
  541. Underground Volcano Sources
  542. Amazon River Temperatures
  543. Amplitude for Richter Scale
  544. Silicon Dioxide Origin on Earth
  545. Salt Water vs. Fresh Water Erosion
  546. Magma Production
  547. Dynamic Earth
  548. Water as a Greenhouse Gas Earth
  549. Earth as a Rock
  550. Ocean River Beds
  551. Water Depth and Smooth Earth
  552. What is Clean Air?
  553. Season Lag From Solar Angle
  554. Chemical Equilibrium in Environment
  555. Earthquake Motion
  556. Ocean Garbage
  557. Lava Temperature
  558. Ocean Bottom Sand Color
  559. SO2 Recovery and Environmental Impact
  560. Semi-diurnal and Diurnal Tides
  561. Future Ice Ages
  562. Earth's End Earth
  563. Acid Rain in Washington vs Pennsylvania
  564. Fresh and Salt Water Mixing
  565. Magnetic Pole Wandering
  566. Earth Craters
  567. Ocean Colors
  568. Sea Level Monument and Elevation
  569. Chlorine in the Environment
  570. Earth Plate Movement
  571. Earth's End
  572. Largest U.S. Crater
  573. Burning Plastics
  574. Soil as a Resource
  575. Melting Ice Caps and Day Length
  576. Acid Rain in Washington vs Pennsylvania
  577. Seismograph Distance and Accuracy
  578. River Meanders
  579. Neutral Buoyancy Position and Tides
  580. Saltiest Ocean
  581. Dissolved Oxygen Significance
  582. Early Carbon Dioxide
  583. Crystals Formed Above and Below Ground
  584. Ozone Layer and Population Location
  585. Earthquake Safety: Doorways
  586. Lunar vs Earth Mountains
  587. Soil pH Earth
  588. Hard Water Formation
  589. Tree Canopy
  590. Anchor Ice
  591. Magnetic Field and Atmosphere
  592. Plate Size and Mountain Height
  593. Wood Within Petrified Wood
  594. Measuring Earth's Magnetic Anomalies
  595. Land and Water Temperature Lag
  596. Rock Cycle and Surface Viewing
  597. Earth Climatic Cycle and Global Warming
  598. Host Rock for Gold
  599. Boulder to Sand
  600. Carlsbad Caverns Temperature Records
  601. Clouds and Global Warming/Dimming
  602. River Foam
  603. Carlsbad Caverns Temperature Records
  604. One Daily Tide vs Two
  605. Lightning and Earthquakes
  606. Decomposition Rates
  607. Sea Water Differences by Location
  608. Electronics Waste Stream
  609. Great Lakes Tide
  610. Minimum Mountain Height
  611. Earth Axis Wobble
  612. Hawaiian and Australian Big Waves
  613. Indian Pipes
  614. Melting Temperature of Obsidian
  615. Sedimentary to Metamorphic Rocks
  616. Determining Soil Constituent Percentages
  617. Diamond Formation
  618. Latent Heat and Soil Types
  619. Solar Energy Scatter and Loss
  620. Future Ocean Level Maps
  621. Soil pH and Color
  622. Chlorine and Environment
  623. Non-symmetrical Sunrise and Sunset Changes
  624. Direction of Plate Movement
  625. Particle Size and Settling Rate
  626. Unusually Low Tide in Florida
  627. Particle Size and Settling Rate
  628. Fossil Fuels and Primordial Methane
  629. Measuring Insolation
  630. Rate of Ice Cap Melting
  631. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  632. Global Warming and Ozone
  633. Solar Wind and Geomagnetism
  634. Springs and Cedar Trees
  635. Depth, Temperature, and Cool Oceans
  636. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  637. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  638. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  639. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  640. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  641. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block
  642. Gas Inclusion in Salt Block

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Last Update: August 2008