National Institute for Literacy

National Early Literacy Panel

The National Early Literacy Panel consists of researchers with backgrounds in developmental psychology, reading education, family literacy, English language learning, phonological awareness, early literacy, language disorders, neurological development, reading disabilities, parenting education, language, cognition, and social and emotional development in children.

The role of the National Early Literacy Panel is to review the research literature on language, literacy, and communication (including parental and home effects on development) in young children ages birth through five years, to identify and synthesize the findings of scientifically based studies. These findings will guide the creation of professional development and training materials for a variety of audiences.

Dr. Anne Cunningham
University of California at Berkeley
Graduate School of Education

Dr. Kathy Escamilla
University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Education

Dr. Janet Fischel
State University of New York at Stony Brook

Dr. Susan Landry
University of Texas - Houston

Dr. Christopher Lonigan
Florida State University

Dr. Victoria Molfese
University of Louisville
Center for Research in Early Childhood
College of Education and Human Development

Dr. Chris Schatschneider
Florida Center for Reading

Dr. Timothy Shanahan

University of Illinois at Chicago
Center for Literacy

Dr. Dorothy Strickland
Rutgers University