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Navigating Around the LSN
The figure below identifies the LSN web site global navigation bar and other control features.

Licensing Support Network Navigation Map

The LSN banner is displayed at the top of each page on the LSN web site. When a user clicks on a hyperlink to a web page that is external to the LSN web site, such as search results or document retrievals, the banner will not appear on the new web page.

The global navigation bar is located directly below the LSN banner. It contains links to core functions related to the LSN web site. The global navigation bar is available from each page of the LSN web site.

A local navigation bar is located on the left side of each LSN web page. The topics or hyperlinks accessible from each local navigation bar are related to that web page.

Hyperlinks are identified by underlined text, different colored text, or a graphic icon. The cursor changes from an arrow to a hand when moved over the hyperlink, and the address of the hyperlink appears in the status bar at the bottom of the web browser. A hyperlink takes the user to a different web page, web site, or performs a special function (e.g., opens an e-mail). When a user clicks on a hyperlink that is external to the LSN web site, a new window opens.

Help buttons are located on the LSN home page and the advanced search page. These buttons provide additional descriptions of the field or function.

The search buttons perform a search for documents in the LSN containing the criteria specified.

Tool tips are boxes that pop up when a user drags the cursor over certain icons, such as the help buttons and the icons on the search results page. They provide a description of the hyperlink associated with the icon.