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FY 2009 Budget Justification Home

Salaries and Expenses (Budget Authority)

Personnel compensation:
Full-time permanent (11.1) $110,384,000 $112,179,000 +$1,795,000
Other than full-time permanent (11.3) 3,254,000 3,329,000 +75,000
Other personnel compensation (11.5) 4,722,000 4,720,000 -2,000
Special personnel services payments (11.8) 31,000 32,000 +1,000
Military personnel (11.7) 23,989,000 25,096,000 +1,107,000
Subtotal personnel compensation (11.9) 142,380,000 145,356,000 +2,976,000
Civilian benefits (12.1) 27,096,000 27,431,000 +335,000
Military benefits (12.2) 12,797,000 13,364,000 +567,000
Benefits to former personnel (13.0) 3,704,000 3,871,000 +167,000
Total Pay Costs 185,977,000 190,022,000 +4,045,000
Travel and transportation of persons (21.0) 2,170,000 1,808,000 -362,000
Transportation of things (22.0) 184,000 197,000 +13,000
Rental payments to Others (23.2) 1,897,000 1,839,000 -58,000
Communication, utilities, and misc. charges (23.3) 2,032,000 1,479,000 -553,000
Printing and reproduction (24.0) 1,513,000 1,391,000 -122,000
Other Contractual Services:
Advisory and assistance services (25.1) 45,001,000 36,519,000 -8,482,000
Other services (25.2) 103,827,000 119,744,000 +15,917,000
Purchase of goods and services from
government accounts (25.3)
101,071.000 55,628,000 -45,443,000
Operation and maintenance of facilities (25.4) 735,000 661,000 -74,000
Medical care (25.6) 2,404,000 2,468,000 +64,000
Operation and maintenance of equipment (25.7) 1,586,000 1,587,000 +1,000
Subsistence and support of persons (25.8) 244,000 260,000 +16,000
Subtotal Other Contractual Services 254,868,000 216,867,000 -38,001,000
Supplies and materials (26.0) 943,000 1,334,000 +391,000
Total Non-Pay Costs 263,607,000 224,915,000 -$38,692,000
Total Salaries and Expenses $449,584,000 $414,937,000 -$34,647,000
Direct FTE 1464 1438 -26