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FY 2009 Budget Justification

Detail of Full Time Equivalents (FTE)

Bureau of Primary Health Care:
  Health Centers 14 15 15
  Health Center Tort Claims 5 5 5
  Free Clinics Medical Malpractice 2 2 2
  Hansen's Disease Denter 83 83 83
Bureau of Health Professions:
  Children's Hospitals Medical Education 8 9 -
  Geriatrics Program - 2 -
  Patient Navigator Outreach - 2 -
Bureau of Clinician Recruitment & Service:
  National Health Service Corps 72 85 85
  NHSC Ready Responders 66 55 55
Maternal and Child Health Bureau:
  Autism and Other Developmental Disorders - 3 3
  Universal Newborn Screening 3 4 -
  Sickle Cell Program 2 2 2
HIV/AIDS Bureau: Ryan White Part C (Title III) 28 30 30
Healthcare Systems Bureau:
  Health Care Facilities & Other Projects - 8 -
  C.W.Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program 5 5 5
  Cord Blood Stem Cell Registry 4 4 4
  Poison Control Centers 2 3 3
Office of Rural Health Policy
  Rural Access to Emergency Devices 2 2 -
  Radiogenic Diseases 2 2 2
  Delta Health Initiative - 2 -
Family Planning 42 42 45
Program Management 1,068 1,099 1,099
  Subtotal, Direct FTE 1,408 1,464 1,438
  Subtotal, Reimburseable FTE 43 47 49
    HEAL 12 12 12
    Vaccine 16 17 17
OPDIV FTE Total 1,479 1,540 1,516

Increase of 3 FTEs was required in Family Planning to bring staffing in line with program requirements.

Decrease of 29 FTEs due to the elimination of the following programs: Children's Hospitals Medical Education, Geriatrics Program, Patient Navigator Outreach, Universal Newborn Screening, Health Care Facilities & Other Projects, Rural Access to Emergency Devices, and Delta Health Initiative.

Average GS Grade

2004 12.9
2005 11.9
2006 12.3
2007 12.6
2008 12.6

1/ While there are no FTE ceilings, there continue to be statutory categorizing of "ceiling exempt" FTE. The table above
includes "ceiling exempt" FTEs of 66 in FY 2007, 55 in FY 2008 and FY 2009.
2/ FY 2007 excludes FTEs for Immigration Health (258), HUD (22) and Bioterrorism (11) for comparability.