Whiterocks State Fish Hatchery Project
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Selection Marker ImageFish Hatchery Production Plan
Selection Marker ImageKamas State Fish Hatchery
Selection Marker ImageFountain Green Hatchery
Selection Marker ImageNative Aquatic Species Culture Facility
Selection Marker ImageJones Hole National Fish Hatchery
Selection Marker ImageBig Springs Tribal Hatchery
Selection Marker ImageWhiterocks State Fish Hatchery
Selection Marker ImageHatchery
Aerial view of the existing Whiterocks State Fish HatcheryWhiterocks State Fish Hatchery has been in operation since 1923. Located in the Uinta River basin, Uintah County, Utah, it is owned by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources [Click here to link to State hatchery contact information].

The hatchery produces about 35,000 pounds of cold water fish annually. These are rainbow, brook, brown and cutthroat trout and kokanee, which are stocked in Uinta Basin waters, Strawberry Reservoir and elsewhere.

Under the Fish Hatchery Production Plan, the hatchery is to be rebuilt to increase production of cold-water sportfish for Utah’s anglers. A final Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice and Finding of No Significant Impact was signed April 30, 2004. The action selected provides for partial reconstruction, operation and maintenance of the Whiterocks Hatchery. Design of the new hatchery has been initiated.

Under the 2004 Environmental Assessment, annual production of the facility is to increase by approximately 147%, from 35,500 to 87,700 pounds, at a total estimated cost of $2.43 million.

In fiscal year 2006, the Commission will provide funding to completely rebuild the Whiterocks hatchery (as identified in Phase 2 of the Fish Hatchery Production Plan). The Commission will revise the Plan, if necessary to implement this Phase.

The Central Utah Project and other reclamation projects created many reservoirs in Utah. These flatwater areas provide for a variety of water-related recreation opportunities including fishing. Most reservoir fisheries are heavily used and not able to sustain themselves through natural recruitment, requiring management programs dependent on stocking hatchery-reared fish. Fish stocking demands in Utah for reclamation projects have been met in the past through both State and Federal hatcheries. CUPCA identifies funding for planning and implementing improvements to existing hatcheries and/or the development of new fish hatcheries to increase production of warm-water and cold-water fish for areas affected by the Colorado River Storage Project in Utah.

Email Link to the Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, urmcc@uc.usbr.govAddress for Utah Reclamation Mitigation Conservation Commission, 230 South 500 East, Suite 230, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102-2045, (801)524-3146, Fax (801)524-3148