US Climate Change Science Program 
Updated 26 May 2006

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC
Climate Change 2007:
Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability

U.S. Government Review




Federal Register notice (dtd 26 May 2006)

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[Note: The comment period is closed and the draft report no longer is available.]


Comments are due 28 June 2006 via

The Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has informed the U.S. Department of State that the second-order draft of Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability is available for expert and government review. IPCC Working Group II is overseeing preparation of this contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report, adhering to IPCC rules and procedures.

On behalf of the U.S. Department of State, the Climate Change Science Program Office (CCSPO) is coordinating the solicitation of comments by experts and stakeholders to inform the U.S. Government review of the report. In order for comments to be considered for inclusion in the U.S. submission to the IPCC, comments must be received at CCSPO by close of business 28 June 2006 [Note: The comment period is closed and the draft report no longer is available.]. Comments must be sent to the following e-mail address using the template for comments [MS Word] that is provided (see detailed instructions below): Comments submitted as part of the U.S. Government Review should be reserved for that purpose, and not also sent to the IPCC Working Group II Technical Support Unit as a discrete set of expert comments.

Because the report is still in draft and is only being made available for expert comment, distribution of the materials for review will be facilitated through a password-protected website. If you are interested in reviewing the report please complete and submit the access request form [link deactivated] in order to receive the username and password required to access the report.


The IPCC was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988. In accordance with its mandate and as reaffirmed in various decisions by the panel, the major activity of the IPCC is to prepare comprehensive and up-to-date assessments of policy-relevant scientific, technical, and socio-economic information relevant for understanding the scientific basis of climate change, potential impacts, and options for mitigation and adaptation. The First Assessment Report was completed in 1990, the Second Assessment Report in 1995, and the Third Assessment Report in 2001. Three working group volumes and a synthesis report comprise the Fourth Assessment Report, with all to be finalized in 2007. Working Group I assesses the scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change; Working Group II assesses the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to climate change, potential negative and positive consequences, and options for adapting to it; and Working Group III assesses options for limiting greenhouse gas emissions and otherwise mitigating climate change. These assessments are based upon the peer-reviewed literature and are characterized by an extensive and open review process involving both scientific/technical experts and governments before being accepted by the IPCC.

Refer to the following links/documents for more detailed information about scoping, schedules, and reviews to date:

US Government Review Process

At the behest of the U.S. Department of State, the Climate Change Science Program Office (CCSPO) coordinates the U.S. Government Review by implementing the following process:

  • Open solicitation to all interested parties via CCSPO listserves and a Federal Register Notice publicizing the review of the draft document
  • Maintenance of both public and password-protected web pages to facilitate review of the draft document by U.S. citizens and resident aliens
  • Recruitment of Federal program managers and scientists -- from all agencies participating in the CCSP -- to serve on a panel evaluating the scientific and technical merit of submitted comments
  • Development of sub-panels with the appropriate disciplinary expertise to address discrete bundles of chapters
  • Collation of submitted comments by the coordination office -- stripping individuals’ names and affiliations and appending a reviewer numbering scheme so that the evaluation of scientific/technical merit is performed anonymously (with an index maintained by CCSPO should clarification be needed from particular reviewers)
  • Planning and conduct of a 3-day panel meeting devoted to chapter breakout sessions and a plenary to address general comments on the volume as a whole and specific comments on the summary documents
  • Preparation of a set of key issues and concerns that emerge as part of panelist deliberations, which serve as basis for the Department of State transmittal letter to the IPCC
  • Transmittal to the IPCC by the mandated deadline
  • The transmittal letter, a listing of the panelists, and the final collation will be made available upon request so that reviewers can see ultimate disposition of submitted comments.


[Note: The comment period is closed and the draft report no longer is available.]

After completing the access request form [link deactivated] and receiving a username and password via email, follow this link [link deactivate] to access the report and to obtain instructions regarding the formatting of comments. To facilitate the U.S. compilation, please use the comment template [MS Word] to submit comments. Forward your comments to by COB 28 June 2006, referencing the Working Group II volume and your surname in the subject line (e.g., *WG2-4AR: Smith*).

This document is still in draft and has not been accepted or approved by the Panel and is provided for the sole purpose of review.


For questions regarding the U.S. Government Review process, contact Dave Dokken at or 202-419-3473 (direct voice).

For questions or comments on these web pages, send mail to



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