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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission

Federal Maritime Commission
Washington, D.C. 20573


NR 05-13


Chairman Blust Announces Launch of New Commission Website 



Contact: Bryant L. VanBrakle, Secretary (202) 523-5725; E-mail:


FOR RELEASE: August 10, 2005

The Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission announced that on August 18, 2005, the Commission will replace its current website with a newly designed site.  The new site will be launched after Commission business hours at approximately 8:00 PM EDT, on August 18th, and will be accessible using the same URL address,, used to access the Commission’s current website.  While minimal down time is anticipated during the launch process, some disruption in service may occur between the hours of 8:00 – 11:00 PM EDT.

Users of the Commission’s service contract filing system, SERVCON, may access this system either through the Commission’s website or directly via  If SERVCON filers/publishers require access to SERVCON during the launch period, they are encouraged to directly access SERVCON via the above link.  If difficulties are experienced accessing the new website, please contact the Commission’s Office of the Secretary at (202) 523-5725.

The look and functionality of the new website will be significantly different from the Commission’s current site. While information contained on the Commission’s current website will appear on the new site, much of the information has been reorganized and updated to improve transparency and flow of information.  Content has been organized by areas of interest and by regulated entity - making it easier to find information.

Chairman Blust remarked: “I’m pleased to announce the launching of the Commission’s new website and believe that the site will provide a more user-friendly resource for all of our stakeholders.  I encourage our stakeholders to review the site and let us know if any further improvements would be helpful.”   Feedback on the new site can be submitted by sending comments to the Commission through the “Website Feedback” button located at the bottom of each page.