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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission

Federal Maritime Commission
Washington, D.C. 20573 NR 04-08


CONTACT : BRYANT L. VANBRAKLE (202) 523-5725; E-mail:


The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) announced today that A. Paul Anderson of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was sworn in by Spencer Abraham, Secretary of Energy, on June 3, 2004, to the office of Commissioner. Commissioner Anderson was appointed by President George W. Bush as a recess appointment on August 22, 2003. On October 1, 2003, the President re-nominated Commissioner Anderson for the remainder of a term expiring June 30, 2007. Commissioner Anderson was introduced at his confirmation hearing by Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Bob Graham (D-FL), and Congressmen John Mica (R-FL) and Clay Shaw (R-FL), upon which his nomination was referred to the full Senate. The Senate unanimously confirmed his nomination on May 5, 2004. The swearing in ceremony was conducted by Secretary Abraham at his office in Washington, DC, and witnessed by Congressmen Mica and Tom Feeney (R-FL).

During the swearing in ceremony, Secretary Abraham and Congressmen Mica and Feeney commended Commissioner Anderson's commitment to public service in his community and the state of Florida and now in the Administration of President Bush.

Commissioner Anderson comes to the Commission with an extensive background in maritime matters, private and public sector leadership, and government operations. He has worked with local, State, and Federal governments, most recently (1994-2003) as the Vice President for Government Relations at JM Family Enterprises, a multi-billion dollar diversified automobile business headquartered in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Between 1987 and 1994, he worked in Port Everglades, Florida, as the Director for Public Affairs, Assistant to the President, and Marketing Manager for Hvide Marine, Inc. (now operating as Seabulk, Inc.), a diversified marine transportation company with tanker, offshore supply vessel, tug boat, and barge operations. In addition, Commissioner Anderson has worked as a Special Assistant to U.S. Senator Paula Hawkins and Press Secretary to then Congressman Connie Mack.

Commissioner Anderson was appointed in 1999 by Governor Jeb Bush to serve as a Trustee of Broward Community College, where he was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees serving a four year term which ended in June 2003. He has also held numerous leadership positions with public and private organizations including serving as the Chairman, Board of Directors, Broward Alliance, the economic development agency for Broward County; Secretary, Florida Association of Community College Trustees; member of the Orange Bowl Committee; and member of the Board of Directors, Public Affairs Council. He also served on the Board of Directors of numerous business associations including the Florida Chamber of Commerce and Florida Tax Watch.

Since he was first appointed to the Commission in August of 2003, Commissioner Anderson has participated in a wide range of issues impacting international maritime trade, including the recent Commission decisions to grant the petitions of three Chinese government controlled carriers for relief from the Controlled Carrier Act. This effort was related to the bilateral Maritime Agreement between the U.S. and China signed December 8, 2003. Commissioner Anderson also participated in the Commission's decision to enter into a settlement agreement with the major ocean carrier agreements and their members serving the inbound U.S./Far East trades (the largest U.S. maritime trade). The settlement addressed problematic carrier practices in the trade by improving the competitive environment through immediate structural changes to the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement and other related agreements serving the trade.

Commissioner Anderson brings a business perspective to the FMC and looks forward to working with the Commission to support the mission and goals of the agency.

The Federal Maritime Commission was established in 1961 as an independent government agency, responsible for the regulation of shipping in the foreign trades of the United States. The Commission's five members are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate (

Commissioner Anderson graduated from the University of Florida in 1982, and is a 1997 graduate of Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government Program for Senior Managers in Government.