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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission

Federal  Maritime  Commission


Washington, D.C. 20573

NR 02- 07


CONTACT: BRYANT L. VANBRAKLE (202) 523-5725; e-mail:


The Commission announces several decisions made at its June 25, 2002 meeting. These actions will not be effectuated until appropriate documents implementing them are prepared and issued.

* The Commission considered the comments filed in response to its notice of proposed rulemaking in Docket No. 02-07, Financial Responsibility Requirements for Nonperformance of Transportation - Discontinuance of Self-Insurance and the Sliding Scale, and Guarantor Limitations. The Commission determined to issue a final rule adopting the proposed rule in this proceeding, thereby eliminating the availability of self-insurance, limiting guarantees to those Protection and Indemnity Associations approved by the Commission, and discontinuing a sliding scale formula for determining the amount of coverage required. The final rule will become effective 30 days following publication in the Federal Register.

* The Commission approved the issuance of a letter notifying Congress of the Commission's concerns about passenger vessel casualty and nonperformance coverage issues and the possible need for legislative changes in this area; the apparent need to increase current statutory limits on casualty coverage requirements; and related issues of concern in the cruise industry.

* Petition No. P1-02, Petition of the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc. and the International Association of NVOCCS, Inc. for an Investigation of the Contracting Practices of the Transpacific Stabilization Agreement ("TSA"). The Commission determined to extend its consideration of the Petition for a brief period by directing its staff to secure and assess additional information to assist it in determining whether more formal action is merited. To this end, any person having information or evidence relevant to the issues raised in the Petition, TSA's Reply or in the Comments is encouraged to provide it to the Commission. Such additional information should be directed to the Commission's Bureau of Enforcement at 800 North Capitol Street N. W., Washington D. C. 20573, by facsimile at 202- 523-5785 or by email at The Bureau also may be contacted by telephone at 202-523-5783. Any such information should be submitted no later than July 15, 2002.