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  • Library Statistics Cooperative Surveys Main Page
  • Academic Libraries
  • Public Libraries
  • School Libraries
  • State Library Agencies
  •   Home > Statistics and Surveys Main Page > Surveys > State Library Agency (StLA) Survey Main Page


    Public Library and State Library Agency Surveys transfered to IMLS in October 2007.
    IMLS Library Statistics Overview webpage:

    "The President’s Budget Request for 2008 included funds for the Institute of Museum and Library Services to administer the Public Library Survey and the State Library Agency Survey, effective October 1, 2007. From its inception in 1989 though 2007, these two surveys were administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). In anticipation of congressional appropriation, The National Center for Education Statistics and the Institute of Museum and Library Services are working cooperatively to implement this policy. The Institute is pleased to provide this important service. Current, accurate and ongoing collection of library data is an essential foundation for quality library services in the United States. The Institute is committed to the continued excellence of this program.

    NCES continues to conduct the Academic Libraries Survey and the School Library Media Center Survey. Please visit the NCES Web site to learn more about those surveys."

  • About the State Library Agency (StLA) Survey
    Steering Committee Roster, John G. Lorenz Award, Meetings and Notes, Survey Summary Report
  • Reports - Contains reports produced by members of the StLA Survey Steering Committee members
  • Links - Contains links to State/Territory websites and NCES State Library Agency Survey site
  • U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
    1800 M Street, NW  -  Suite 350 North Tower  -  Washington, DC 20036
    p: 202-606-9200  -  f: 202-606-9203