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Grail Experimental Gene Discovery Suite



The authors of GrailEXP v3.0:
  • Doug Hyatt
  • Manesh Shah
  • Victor Olman
  • Ying Xu
  • Richard Mural
  • Edward C. Uberbacher
With many thanks also to:
  • Loren Hauser
  • Miriam Land
  • Frank Larimer
  • Jay Snoddy
  • Ge Zhang
for their assistance on numerous issues.

The authors wish to acknowledge/thank the following people/organizations:

  • CBIL at UPenn, for the DOTS database of EST assemblies and the inclusion of GrailEXP annotations at
  • NCBI, for the BLAST program, the dbEST database, and the RefSeq database
  • HGSC at Baylor College of Medicine, for its Human Transcript Database
  • GIRI, for its Repbase database of repetitive elements
  • TIGR, for the use of its EGAD transcript database for human, mouse, and rat
  • RIKEN, for the use of its FANTOM mouse cDNA database
  • JGI, for providing many sequences upon which to test the program as well as including GrailEXP annotations
  • GDB, for including GrailEXP annotations


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