Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 342-AApril 26, 1969
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
George W. Dunne, President
Roland F. Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


A few days ago we read about a town in Texas where, desperate for 
water they sent for a preacher who is locally famous as a dowser or 
"water witch". With a brass Y-shaped "divining rod" held in front of 
him and parallel with the ground, the two branches of the Y being 
tightly gripped in his upturned fists, he slowly walked over the territory 
near their dry reservoir. Finally he told them to drill a well at a certain 
spot where, every time he came to it, the rod twisted in his hands until 
the stem pointed straight down -- supposedly of its own accord and 
irresistibly. They did, and got lots of water, but it tasted too salty.

We remember, many years ago when dug wells supplied the water on 
most farms, other dowsers who were credited with and honestly 
believed that they had a mysterious power to locate underground veins 
of water. Some used a forked twig of witch hazel, others could find 
water only with one from a peach tree, a few witched with willow, and 
occasionally these diviners predicted how deep the well must be dug. 
This ancient superstition and many others, although sheer poppycock 
and thoroughly disproved, are still accepted as gospel truth in many 
rural or mountain regions where the moon and the zodiac rule people's 

When we were boys there were just two books in grandfather' s 
farmhouse, the Bible and, hanging on a nail by the kitchen door, an 
almanac, It had one page with a weird picture of a naked man 
surrounded by the twelve signs of the zodiac. Arrows ran from the 
principal parts of his body to corresponding constellations of stars: from 
the head to Aries, the ram from his neck to Taurus, the bull; from his 
arm to Gemini, the twins; and so forth. There was a two-page calendar 
for each month in the year and, for each day, in addition to much other 
information and advice, it showed the phase of the moon on that date 
and the constellation or "sign" through which the moon was traveling. 
Just as astrologers predict the future and cast horoscopes according to 
movements of the sun, moon and planets through the zodiac, so most 
farmers planted their crops only when the moon was "right" and the 
"sign" was "right". In fact, the almanac was consulted before 
undertaking anything important -- including a haircut.

As a rule, root crops such as potatoes, turnips, carrots and onions were 
planted in the dark of the moon but many people would plant potatoes 
only on Good Friday and sowed turnip seed on the 25th of July, "wet or 
dry". Similarly, crops that fruited above ground -- such as beans, 
cabbage, oats and clover -- were planted or sowed in the light of the 
moon. However, other conditions had to be observed. Beans must be 
planted when the "sign" was in the arms; cabbage, lettuce or any 
vegetable that heads, when the sign was in Aries, the head; cucumbers 
when it was in Gemini, the twins; corn when it was in Scorpio, the crab 
or '"crawpappy" -- when the oak leaves were about as big as a 
squirrel's ears.

Pepper plants were supposed to produce best if planted by an angry 
person or, better still, by a lunatic; gourds by a feeble-minded person; 
and sage by a passing stranger. unless potatoes were dug in the light of 
the moon they were liable to rot; and if hay was cut when the sign was 
in the heart, there would be no hay next year. Hogs were butchered in 
the light of the moon -- otherwise the meat would not keep well and 
would curl up in the skillet when fried. Shingles or clapboards laid on a 
roof during the dark of the moon were sure to curl up. Eggs were put 
under a setting hen in the light of the moon and if carried there in a 
woman's bonnet they were all supposed to hatch out as pullets.

If carried in a man's hat, they became roosters.

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