Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 280-A   October 28, 1967
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Richard B. Ogilvie, President
Roland F, Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


The oldest record of any elm is dated approximately 50 million years 
ago. At one time they even grew in tropical jungles but, today, they are 
found only in the northern hemisphere. There are 6 species native in the 
United States but none west of the Rockies, and 12 others in Europe, 
Asia and North Africa.

Of our native elms, the Slippery Elm, also called Red Elm, is next to the 
American elm in abundance and natural range. It is found along streams 
banks or low fertile slopes, although it sometimes grows on rocky 
ridges. It lacks the graceful symmetry of the American elm and is a 
smaller tree -- usually from 40 to 60 feet high with a rather short trunk 
from one to two feet in diameter and stout spreading limbs. It has leaves 
that are extremely rough on the upper surface, and the bark on old 
trunks is dark reddish brown, rather than ashy gray. It gets its name 
from the inner bark, which is so mucilaginous and aromatic that 
children love to chew it -- as the Indians and pioneers often did to 
quench their thirst -- and it is good for a sore throat. The Indians made 
boxes and baskets of the bark, crude canoes, and covered their 
wigwams with it. The wood is strong, heavy and, being fairly durable in 
the soil, is used for fence posts and railroad ties. It is also used for 
furniture, wheel hubs, sills for buildings, shipbuilding and farm 

The Rock Elm, or Cork Elm, is usually a rather tall tree with a long 
straight trunk and noticeably short stout branches. The twigs develop 
thick corky ridges which may disappear on old trees. It is a northern 
tree but nowhere abundant. Its wood is heavier, denser and stronger 
than that of the other elms and, because of its resistance to shock, it is 
fine for hockey sticks and javelins.

The Winged Elm is a medium-sized tree found mostly on gravelly 
uplands in southern United States. It has small leaves and its twigs 
generally have two thin corky wings opposite each other. The 
September Elm is another medium-sized tree, never plentiful, found in 
the Mississippi valley and as far east as Georgia. It has short pendulous 
branches and its twigs often have corky wings. Unlike most trees, it 
flowers in autumn. The Cedar or Basket Elm is a larger tree, found only 
in the lower Mississippi valley, Texas and northeastern Mexico. Its 
leaves are smaller than those of the other native elms. It also has 
drooping branches, corky wings on its twigs, and blooms in August or 

Three European elms -- the English, the Scotch or Wych, and the 
Smooth-leaved -- and many cultivated varieties of them, have been 
introduced into this country. Elm lumber has never been as important 
commercially as that of the oaks and other hardwoods. Unless carefully 
handled while being seasoned, it tends to twist and warp. However, it 
holds nails well and country folks used to prefer it for farm gates and 
homemade coffins. In Europe, elmwood is noted for its durability under 
water. At one time it was much used for making water pipes and these 
are still being dug up from the streets in London. The Waterloo Bridge, 
in London, was supported by elm piles for 120 years and the Rialto 
Bridge, across the Grand Canal in Venice, is said to stand on more than 
1000 piles of this wood.

The English and Scotch elms because their wood is very flexible when 
steamed, were much used for boat building, as well as for coffins, 
vehicles, wheels and furniture. Grandpaw used to say: "The only thing 
tougher'n a mule is an ellum club. "

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