Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 69   June 8, 1946
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
Clayton F. Smith, President
Roberts Mann, Superintendent of Conservation


Vacation time is here. Many people, particularly boys, are planning 
overnight camping trips. The big questions are: "Where can I go? " and 
"What should I carry?"

FOREST PRESERVES except in the few established group-camping 
centers for children. It is not permissible in the preserves, to carry a 
handaxe or to cut any standing tree or even a sapling -- whether alive or 
dead. It is necessary to receive permission from the owner before hiking 
or camping on farms or other private property. Those are the rules.

The towpath of the old Illinois and Michigan Canal offers one of the 
best routes for long hikes and overnight camping. It is controlled by the 
Illinois Division of Waterways and no permission is required. 
Completed in 1846 and abandoned in the 80's, the canal was developed 
by CCC as a state parkway from Willow Springs to Romeo, and from 
Channahon to LaSalle, with shelters and camping spots at intervals. The 
scenery is beautiful. There is good fishing at many locations. The canal 
itself is ideal for canoeing from Channahon to Marseilles. The only 
drawback is that you must carry your drinking water or obtain it from 
adjacent private property.

There are many towns along the route, accessible by bus and railroad. 
There is a state park at Channahon, Gebhard State Park at Morris, Illini 
State Park at Marseilles, and state parks at Buffalo Rock and Starved 
Rock between Ottawa and LaSalle.

TRAVEL LIGHT! Don't spoil your fun by carrying a huge pack. One 
blanket is enough. Beside that, all you need is warm clothing, stout 
shoes, a raincoat, a few sandwiches, some fruit or candy bars, maybe 
some coffee, matches, a pocket knife and a little money. Sleep on the 
ground. Make your bed of leaves, grass and old newspapers. Build a 
small fire and keep it going all night.

Get cold? Possibly you will. And the ground will get awfully hard 
before morning. You'll get mosquito bites and maybe a few chiggers. So 
what? That's camping. You'll get up at daybreak, hear the birds begin to 
chirp and sing, build up the fire, eat breakfast, and be proud of yourself. 
You have pioneered.

Observe these precautions: Be sure your fire is "black out" and cold 
before you leave. Kill it with water and loose dirt or sand. Bury your 
garbage. Obliterate all traces of your fire and camp. Leave the place 
appearing as if you had never been there. That' s the mark of the true 
woodsman and the test of good outdoor manners.

Talk to folks as you go along. Most people, especially country people, 
are neighborly. Say "Howdy" to everyone you meet. Don't be ashamed 
to ask questions. Be courteous. Be friendly.

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