Account Request


  1. Read the NCCS Computing Policy.
  2. Read the NCCS Storage Policy.
  3. Fill in all applicable information.
  4. Click on "submit" button at bottom of this page to submit your application.
  5. After you've applied, what's next?
  6. * indicates required fields

Direct any questions to the NCCS User Assistance Center.

First Things First....

Appendix B Complete and Fax to 865-241-4011 if you are not a UT-Battelle employee and have never signed an Appendix B.

By submitting this application, I agree to abide by the posted NCCS Computing Policy.
By submitting this application, I agree that I have read the NCCS Cyber Security Training Document.

Personal Information

* Title: Dr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss
* First name:
* Last name:
Middle name:
Suffix (Sr. Jr. III, etc.):
* Email:
* Phone:
Secondary Phone:   Type:

Citizenship Status

* U.S. Citizen Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) Other
* Countries of Citizenship:
* Birth Country:

Mailing Address - This Information is Used to Mail Tokens

* Institution:
* Mailstop/P.O. Box:
* Street Address:
* City:
* State:
* ZIP:
* Country:

Employment Information

* Institution type: DOE    Government (not DOE)    University
Industry    Foreign    Other

* Select your institution from the list:
To "unclick" an institution, press ctrl and the selected item

If your employer is not in the above list, or you are
employed by additional institutions, please specify:

* What is your position?
Laboratory Scientist Lab Support Staff Industry User Vendor Support Staff
Professor Post-doctorate Student Other:

If you selected "Post-doctorate" or "Student"
please enter your major research advisor's name:

NCCS System Information

* Select each system for which you are requesting an account:
Cray XT4(Jaguar)
Data Analysis Cluster (Lens)
IBM BG/P (Eugene) - Eugene Projects Only
HPSS (storage) ONLY -- HPSS is automatically included with other requests.

Additional System Request + specify purpose:

ORNL Universal Computer Access Management Systems (UCAMS) Information:

* Do you have an ORNL UCAMS 3-character ID? Yes  Your 3-character id:

* Have you had a previous account on a NCCS system?

Yes - Previous login name:  
No - Preferred login name: Do not use a 3 character name unless
it is your ORNL UCAMS ID

Preferred Login Shell:

ksh     csh     tcsh     bash

Project Information

* Project PI:
* Project Name or Project ID:

* Detailed description
of the work you will do on the NCCS systems.
Include the major codes you intend to use, programming model, and other libraries and resources you will need.
This should be at least 2 sentences unless you're only applying for additional system access.

* Will there be publishable data as a result of this work?
Yes   No

* Will you use or generate proprietary data (i.e. does it have intellectual property, license, or patent considerations)?
Yes   No

* Will you use or generate sensitive or restricted information? This includes areas such as military, space craft, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, and missiles.
Yes   No

Comments or Questions?

By submitting this application, I certify that the information I have provided is accurate and complete.