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July 24, 2008, Note to Grantees


Dear Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr), HRSA Grantee – [Grant Number]:

On July 30, 2008, you can access your progress and final reports through HRSA’s Electronic Handbook (EHB) grants management system at: . You will need your identification and password.  If you have not already registered with the EHB, you must do so prior to accessing the system. 

On-line Training Video:

An online video training module is also available at the site above to assist you.  It is highly recommended that you review this video, especially if you are new to the HRSA reporting systems.  The video covers EHB registration and a number of other informative items including how to navigate the progress and final report parts of the system.

Progress and Final Reports:

The progress report covers the academic year of July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 and will be due August 30, 2008.  This annual report collects both the program specific data and Bureau core performance measures.  The Bureau will not collect progress reports for grants ending in 2008, since those grantees will have a Final Report due within 90 days after the end of the project period. This report will provide the progress data as well as the overall summary of the project.  If your grant has ended in 2008, please make sure to submit a Final Report before end of the due date.


In the past, the old Comprehensive Performance Management System/Uniform Progress Report (CPMS/UPR) was used as both a non-competing renewal application for funding and the annual progress report.  That combined report has been divided into its component parts so that the Bureau may report performance outcomes to Congress earlier than it has in the past.  The BHPr Progress Report reflects the UPR-II and CPMS parts of the old system.  In February 2009, the BHPr Non-competing Renewal Application will be due (Data in the non-competing renewal will reflect the old UPR-I component.)  You will be notified in September 2008 of the requirements for the non-competing renewal application.

Please read the attached documentation for further information on the BHPr Performance Management System.  If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the HRSA Call Center at 1-877-Go4-HRSA (1-877-464-4772) or email CallCenter@HRSA.GOV.

Your BHPr Performance Management Team.


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