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August 2008 Grantee Quick Start Guide

This guide will assist Project Directors (PD) and grantee users in submitting their progress or final reports to the BHPr Project officers (PO) for the programs listed at:

Step 1: PD Register and create account in EHB:
PD from the grantee organizations will register and create accounts with the HRSA Electronic handbooks (EHBs) at .   At registration time, the PD must provide their name as it appears in the Notice of Grant Award (NGA).  The EHB will require the user to provide their most current grant number from the last NGA (e.g. D09HP10001).  The EHB has the grant number provided at registration time and will extract the organization information.  The user must confirm that he or she belongs to that organization.

Step 2: Add Grant to Portfolio:
The PD will then add his or her grant to his or her portfolio.  This step is necessary to ensure that only the authorized individuals from the grantee organization gain access to the grant data.  When adding the grant to the portfolio, the PD will be asked to provide EIN, Grant Number and Issued Date.  All this information can be found in the NGA.  EHB will match the last/first name provided with the information in the NGA.  Only one PD can be assigned to a grant.

Step 3: Grantee User Accounts (Optional):
Other individuals from the grantee organization can also register themselves and seek access to the grant for working on the reports.  The PD will need to review and approve each request and grant the appropriate level of access to the individual.  One PD for each BHPr grant manages all the available permissions and privileges for users.

Note: Steps 1 through 3 are one time only. Once successfully completed, the users do not need to register and add the grant to the portfolio.

Step 4: Start / Edit Report:
A report will be visible in the HRSA EHBs grants portfolio.  When grantees click the View Portfolio link, open the grant handbook, and click the Progress Reports in the left hand side menu, they will see a link for the report displaying grant number, available date, due date, status, etc.  If the report has not been started, a Start Report link will be displayed.  If the report has already been started, an Edit Report link will appear.  Upon clicking on the Start Report / Edit Report link, users will be able to enter their performance data.

Step 5: Provide Performance data:
Grantees will complete entering their data.  Filling the data in the system includes entering all information and validating the data.

Step 6: Submit Report:
Click on the Process Submit link in the left hand side menu.  A pop-up window will appear. Click the checkbox that certifies that you are authorized to submit the report and click Submit to Project Officer button. Grantees must ensure all validation errors are fixed before submitting their reports.

Step 7: Change Requested:
After the report is submitted, the PO will review the report and either clear the report or return the report to the PD for corrections.  If corrections are required, the PD must open, edit the returned report, and resubmit to the PO for final review and acceptance.

Step 8: View Report:
The privilege to view, edit and submit reports is managed by the PD.  If the PD has granted view permissions, a View Report link will be displayed to users.  On clicking this link, the users will be able to view their report.

For technical help please call HRSA Call Center 1-877-Go4-HRSA (1-877-464-4772) or email CallCenter@HRSA.GOV


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