Climate Publications

Demoz, B. B., D. O. C. Starr, K. D. Evans, A. R. Lare, D. N. Whiteman, G. Schwemmer, R. A. Ferrare, J. E. M. Goldsmith, and S. E. Bisson, 2005: The cold front of 15 April 1994 over the central United States. Part I: Observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 1525-1543.

Detailed observations of the interactions of a cold front and a dryline over the central United States that led to dramatic undulations in the boundary layer, including an undular bore, are investigated using high resolution water vapor mixing ratio profiles measured by Raman lidars. The lidar-derived water vapor mixing ratio profiles revealed the complex interaction between a dryline and a cold frontal system. An elevated, well-mixed and deep, midtropospheric layer, as well as a sharp transition (between 5 and 6 km altitudes) to a drier region aloft, was observed. The moisture oscillations due to the undular bore and the mixing of the prefrontal airmass with the cold air at the frontal surface are all well depicited. The enhanced precipitable water vapor and roll-clouds, the undulations associated with the bore, the strong vertical circulation and mixing that led to the increase in the depth of the low level moist layer and the subsequent lifting of this moist layer by the cold frontal surface, as well as the feeder flow behind the cold front, are clearly indicated.

A synthesis of the Raman lidar measured water vapor mixing ratio profiles, satellite, radiometer, tower, and Oklahoma mesonet data indicated that the undular bore was triggered by the approaching cold front and propagated south-southeastward. The observed and calculated bore speeds were in reasonable agreement. Wave-ducting analysis showed that favorable wavetrapping mechanisms existed; a low-level stable layer capped by an inversion, a well-mixed midtropospheric layer, and wind curvature from a low-level jet were found.
September 15, 2008 in Personnel
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