film strip imageImage of Neptunefilm strip image

NSSDC Photo Gallery


Thumbnail Image Description Caption NASA IDs Image Size Hi-Resolution TIFF?
Thumbnail of image Color image of Neptune showing its "Great Dark Spot".   P-34611C 59K  
Thumbnail of image Closer view of the Great Dark Spot and the "scooter". Caption P-34632C 31K  
Thumbnail of image Hubble Space Telescope image showing the Great Dark Spot has disappeared. Caption STScI PR95-09 38K  
Thumbnail of image False color image of Neptune taken by Voyager 2. Caption P-34666C 62K  
Thumbnail of image False color images of Neptune taken by HST. Caption STScI PR96-33, 96-HC-692 140K Hi-res


Thumbnail Image Description Caption NASA IDs Image Size Hi-Resolution TIFF?
Thumbnail of image Close up view of the Great Dark Spot. Caption P-34672C 78K  
Thumbnail of image Close up view of some high clouds in Neptune's atmosphere. Caption P-34709C 72K  


Thumbnail Image Description Caption NASA IDs Image Size Hi-Resolution TIFF?
Thumbnail of image Color image of Triton, Neptune's largest satellite. Caption P-34764C 162K  
Thumbnail of image Computer rendering of Triton's surface. Caption P-34751 95K  
Thumbnail of image Image of the first of six new moons discovered by Voyager 2 at Neptune: Proteus. Caption P-34727 31K  

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Version 3.3, 12 December 2001