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Media:  IMAGE
Format:  JPEG (544 x 478)
JPEG (1238 x 1088)
JPEG (2940 x 2585)
Date:  10.18.1993
Title:  Installed Diagonal Probe
Description:  The picture shows details of the 20 Inch Supersonic Wind Tunnel Test Section with the diagonal probe extended (and the test section windows open). This supersonic facility is capable of Mach numbers from 1.4 to 5.0 and total pressures from less than 1 PSI to 130 PSI with a mass flow limit of 280 lb./sec. The tunnel is located in Building 1247D (1D East Reid Street) Room 107 at NASA Langley Research Center. The tunnel operates in a blowdown mode, and is designed for string mounted models with platforms less than 100 square inches in area. The picture shows the diagonal probe extended partially into the test section. The diagonal probe can be used to verify the flow quality during testing. The probe is mounted towards the North side of the test section, and is shown with the typical total temperature and total pressure probes. The tunnel has a model injection capability from a plenum underneath the test section with an injection time of 2 seconds from the time the model enters the shear layer to the center of the test section. The tunnel has optical access from both sides and above, and can be used for almost any kind of flow measurement technique.
ID:  EL-1996-00204
Other ID:  L93-11727
Credit:  NASA Langley Research Center (NASA-LaRC)
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NASA Official: Bill von Ofenheim
Sponsor: NASA STI (Scientific and Technical Information) Program
Date: 01.20.2004