NIH Buildings
Medical and Scientific Personnel

    Presidential Management Fellows Program

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What grade levels will NIH hire during the 2007 Fair?
  2. At this time, NIH will hire ONLY GS-9 level interns, although this is subject to change prior to the Job Fair. This question will be updated if and when this change occurs.

  3. What is the difference between AT-LARGE and DESIGNATED PMFs?
At-Large Interns
  • rotate between positions in Institutes and Centers (ICs) within and outside of NIH;
  • have an opportunity to take permanent positions at any NIH IC;
  • receive assistance and support in selecting a permanent position at NIH.
  • The primary responsibility for at-large interns rests with the ATC.

At-Large, Budget Interns

  • rotate between budget-related positions in Institutes and Centers (ICs) within NIH and outside of NIH [e.g. OMB, HHS];
  • have an opportunity to take a permanent budget or administrative position at any NIH IC;
  • receive assistance and support in selecting a permanent position at NIH.
  • Responsibility for at-large budget interns rests equally with the ATC and a NIH budget community program coordinator.

Designated Interns

  • Rotations are determined by the intern and the hiring Institute or Center (IC);
  • may be hired for a specific targeted position at the designated IC;
  • usually converts to a permanent position with the designated IC.
  • Primary responsibility for designated interns rests with the hiring IC.
  1. What do I need to know about the NIH Interview process?
  2. Interviews will also be conducted on April 5th in conjunction with the PMF Job Fair. NIH will make every effort to interview as many interested finalists as possible, but may not be able to accommodate every candidate. We will schedule many interviews in advance, although a portion of the interview slots will be held for scheduling at the Job Fair. PMF finalists may request an interview for an NIH position by emailing their cover letter and resume (not to exceed four pages) to one of the program managers listed below by March 29th.

    James Peterson, Ph.D
    Phone: 301-451-7302
    Fax: (301) 480-3197

    Ms. Cheronn Collins
    Phone: 301-594-2507
    Fax: (301) 480-3197

    MI/PMF Program Managers
    National Institutes of Health
    Workforce Support and Development Division
    6120 Executive Boulevard, Suite 350
    Rockville, MD 20852

    After March 29th, interested finalists should plan to bring a cover letter and resume to the NIH table at the PMF Job Fair on April 5th.

  3. What should I write on my cover letter?
  4. The cover letter should explain the finalist’s interest in the NIH programs and mission, and how the finalist’s background, experiences, and skills are well suited for a PMF position and future career with NIH. Finalists will be contacted by the PMF Coordinator either to schedule an interview or to request that the candidate come for an initial meeting at the PMF Job Fair. Requests for interviews received after March 29th will be held for scheduling at the PMF Job Fair.

    If you have questions about the interview process described here, you may contact one of the Program Managers listed above.

  5. How do I sign up for an interview at the PMF Job Fair?
  6. NIH will participate in the PMF Job Fair on April 5th with representatives from the Administrative Training Committee, a number of Institute representatives, and current and former PMFs. PMF finalists who want to schedule an interview at the Job Fair are encouraged to visit the NIH table early in the day and provide a resume and cover letter at that time.

  7. I already have a pre-scheduled interview. Do I still need to get in touch with NIH representatives at the Job Fair?
  8. Yes. Those finalists who have already scheduled an interview MUST visit the NIH table to confirm the interview date/time and receive additional information.

  9. Where can I go for more information about the NIH PMF Program?
  10. Finalists who would like more information about the NIH PMF Program should contact one of the current NIH PMFs profiled on this web site. To learn more about NIH, we suggest you explore the NIH web site at

  11. Does NIH offer tuition assistance or assistance with moving expenses?
  12. No, not at this time.