Management Intern Program

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How many positions are you recruiting for this year?

    The program will be recruiting for multiple positions this year.

    Do I need a degree to qualify for the MI Program?

    No, a degree is NOT required.

    I understand that in addition to having a supervisor, I get to select a mentor. What's the role of the mentor and how do I identify this person?

    Yes, you do get to select a mentor. Your mentor will provide you with guidance regarding training recommendations and selections, rotational opportunities, career plans/target position, and issues that are unique to you and your concerns, etc.   Prior to selecting your mentor, you will have an opportunity to interview and speak with several senior managers, including Executive Officers, Grant Management Officers, Budget Officers, Contract Officers, etc., regarding their thoughts on mentoring. You will also be given a list of senior managers who have volunteered to serve as mentors.

    I understand that I can now enter the program at the GS-11 level. Is this a chane from previous years?

    Yes, in previous years, the program required anyone above the GS-9 level to accept a demotion to the GS-9 level to enter the program. Now GS-11 applicants will not be required to accept a demotion. Applicants at the GS-12 level and above may apply for the program; however, if selected, they must accept a demotion to enter the program.

    What types of intern positions are you recruiting for?

    Budget and Finance, General Administration, Information Technology, Program Analysis, Management Analysis, Grants Management, Central Service Management, Contract/Procurement Administration, Human Resources and Human Capital Management.

    I understand that I can work in a variety of different fields, is that correct?

    Yes, you are encouraged to “try out” a variety of different occupations.  The typical interns works in six to eight different fields during the program.  You may also plan on rotations that last for only a few weeks; this is called a “mini” rotation.  Rotation may also be for a few days; this is called a “shadow” rotation.

    Must I give up my current position if I'm accepted for the program?

    Yes, you will be reassigned from your organization to an intern slot during the time you are in the program.

    What will my job be upon completing the program?

    You are charged with finding your own position.  The Program has never had an intern that did not find a position.  Many interns find positions from their past rotational assignments.

    What is my title during the year I'm in the program?

    Management Intern, GS-301.

    Who is my supervisor during the time I’m in the program?

    The NIH Management Intern Coordinator, Cheronn Collins, will be your supervisor of record. She will be responsible for your administrative needs, including timecard and leave approval, PMAP review processing training and travel requests, answering administrative questions and any program specific questions.

    Am I eligible for the program if I'm a GS-12 or higher?

    Yes, however, you will be required to take a demotion to a GS-11 to enter the program. A demotion in grade does not mean that your present salary will be reduced. You will be demoted to the GS-11 level, but your current salary will be saved.

    When will I start the Program?

    Selectees will enter on duty August 4, 2008 and finish the Program in August 2010.

    I understand that GS-6, 8, 10, 12 and higher grade levels must take a demotion to enter the Program. Is that true?

    Yes. A GS-6 will be demoted to the GS-5, GS-8 will be demoted to the GS-7, GS-10 will be demoted to the GS-9 and GS-12 and above will be demoted to the GS-11. It is important to remember that, while you may be required to accept a demotion, you will retain your current salary.

    Why must I take a demotion?

    There are two reasons why many of you will be required to take a demotion. The first reason is that, typically, GS-6, GS-8 and GS-10 are not considered professional grades. The professional grade range is GS-5, 7, 9, 11 and 12. So, you are demoted to enter the Program because you are entering a professional field, i.e., GS-341. The second reason is that the Program is only open to GS-5 through 11. So, applicants at the GS-12 level or higher must take a demotion to qualify for the Program. Even though you may be demoted, you will retain your current salary. For many of you, entering the Program will automatically move you into a professional position with a Career Ladder to the GS-12. A new Career Ladder is not the only incentive; the Program also allows many individuals to change career fields.

    Are there opportunities to do rotations or work assignments outside of the Bethesda location of NIH?

    Yes, interns can rotate to offices with DHHS as well as to agencies outside of DHHS.

    Are there interns who are designated to a particular administrative field?

    There have been in the past, but not this year.

    Do interns get any money for training and travel?

    Yes, they get a training/travel allowance of $2,500.

    Can I bring along any notes or other items that I have prepared beforehand in preparation for the Management Intern Writing Exercise?

    Bringing along notes prepared before hand may not necessarily facilitate the writing process because the topic of the writing exercise is not made available to the quarterfinalists before the actual date of the exercise. We do not prepare a set of guidelines that inform our candidates on the best preparatory strategy. The main reason for this is because the topic for this exercise is not restricted to a particular area of focus. It is a general topic and not necessarily geared toward a particular field or area. The main goal of the writing exercise is not to test your knowledge in a particular area but to assess your writing skills.

    For additional information, please contact Cheronn Collins, NIH MI/PMF Program Manager.