NIH Buildings
Medical and Scientific Personnel

    Did You Know?

    You Don't Have to be a Scientist to Discover NIH!

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, is the Nation’s premier biomedical and behavioral research institution, supporting cutting edge research on its Bethesda, Maryland, campus and around the country. You may think that one must have a Ph.D., an M.D. or a degree in a scientific discipline to have a leadership career at the NIH.  While certainly those disciplines are critical to the NIH mission, you should know that a large proportion of the approximately 16,000 positions at the NIH are held by individuals who administer and manage the programs of the agency, and who are not scientists. 

    NIH is looking for individuals with a broad range of training and experience to groom as future administrators and managers.  The next century holds promise for unimaginable advances in science and the need for high quality administrators and managers will be greater than ever.  That is why we want you to consider a career at NIH. 

    You should know that the NIH is located on more than 300 acres in Bethesda, Maryland, with off campus sites around the Washington Metropolitan area, and in Montana and North Carolina.  The campus is accessible by car, bus and subway, with a Metro subway stop located on the campus, and is within walking distance of a variety of shops, restaurants, and other businesses.  NIH participates in the TRANSHARE program, through which it provides a stipend of up to $65 per month to many individuals who use train and/or bus service to travel to work.  NIH also has on-site day care facilities, as well as fully equipped fitness and aerobic exercise facilities, which offer a variety of health and fitness programs

    NIH cares about the quality of life of its employees and many offices offer employee friendly programs, including alternative work schedules, flexiplace, and telecommuting options.  Many staff training opportunities also are available, as are several lecture series on a variety of topics and presented in lay terms.  NIH has a theater group and a chamber music orchestra through which employees can express their artistic and musical talents.  Membership in the NIH Recreation and Welfare Association is available to all employees.  Services include sales of discounted tickets to theatre events, plays, movies, concerts, sporting events, theme parks and entertainment attractions; greeting cards and gifts; discounted travel packages; tax services; and many others. These are but a few of the amenities that are accessible to NIH employees.

    Now that you know more about NIH, think about joining the NIH team.  Remember, you don’t have to be a scientist to discover a rich and rewarding career at the NIH!

    For additional information, please contact Cheronn Collins or James Peterson, Ph.D, NIH MI/PMF Program Managers.