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Structural loads testing on the Active Aeroelastic Wing F-18 in the Flight Loads Laboratory at NASA'

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This modified F/A-18A is the test aircraft for the Active Aeroelastic Wing (AAW) project at NASA's D

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This modified F/A-18A with its distinctive red, white and blue paint scheme is the test aircraft for

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NASA aircraft technician Don Herman completes placement of the first official U.S. Centennial of Fli

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With the modified F/A-18 showcased behind him, Kevin Petersen, director of NASA Dryden Flight Resear

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A modified F/A-18A undergoes wing torsion testing in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory at NASA's Dryden

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A modified F/A-18A sporting a distinctive red, white and blue paint scheme is the test aircraft for

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With a long flight data probe extending from its nose, this F/A-18A has been modified to conduct fli

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NASA aircraft technician Donte Warren completes placement of the first official U.S. Centennial of F

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A modified F/A-18 in a distinctive red, white and blue paint scheme was showcased during formal roll

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NASA Official: Bill von Ofenheim
Sponsor: NASA STI (Scientific and Technical Information) Program
Date: 01.20.2004