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Government Sites

Air Force Crossroads Teens and Youth Section - This page has tons to offer both kids and teenagers alike. From sports to arts to video games, you will find information and entertainment that will keep you coming back for more.

Create a Graph - Try your hand at creating some and see if it helps explain what you are trying to show. Try using homework problems, things you have a special interest in, or just make up some numbers of your own!

Create a Graph Classic - NCES Kids' Zone - Here you will find four different graphs and charts. Maybe it will help explain what you are trying to show. Use homework problems, things you have a special interest in, or use some of the numbers you find elsewhere on this site.

Dare to Compare - So, how do you compare with students from around the world? Pick a subject (civics, math, or science), a grade and how many questions you want to see, then click the Show Questions button below. See how many you get right.

Data to Graphics - (FedStats) - See how numbers relate to graphics.

Geometry - FREE - Great information - everything you need to know about Geometry.

Math - FREE - (Department of Education) - Simulations of key math concepts, online challenges for students, activities for families, and more.

Metric Measures - NIST - (National Institute of Standards and Technology) - Find links to a metric pyramid, metric facts for sports and more.

Students' Classroom - The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has made a page for students that includes CRUNCH (an online 'zine), a multi-media playhouse, and other good stuff. (Flash Player required)

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Other Resources

Archimedes Lab - Math Puzzles and Logic Tests - Train your brain with these clever puzzles!

Ask Dr. Math - Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently Asked Questions (the Dr. Math FAQ).

Ask Dr. Math - Middle School - Dr. Math answers all kinds of math question from middle school kids.

Biographies of Women Mathematicians - This website is part of an on- going project to illustrate the numerous achievements of women in the field of mathematics.

Browse Middle School Algebra - Learn about direct and indirect variation, inequalities and negative numbers, positive/negative integer rules, and more.

Browse Middle School Measurement - Find out about time, temperature, and units of measurement.

Converting Metric Measurements - How many kilometers are in a meter? How many meters are in a centimeter? Find out here

Countdown - COUNTDOWN makes math 'work.' Each week the program introduces a different math concept through direct instruction and reinforces lessons with literature, manipulatives, activities and related computer instruction.

Data Analysis & Probability - Find out about bell curves, ranges and standard deviation.

Figure This! - Have you been alive for one million minutes? Investigate math challenges like this which include hints, answers, and ways to test them out.

Geometry - Kids Newsroom - This geometry review page will help you master the concepts learned in class. Graphics and sound helps you learn these important ideas.

Graph Worksheets - Here's a listing of different worksheets you can print out. You'll learn how to read a graph and get data from them.

Graphing of Data - Ask Dr. Math - Browse these links to help you find out more about graphing.

Math - Science News for Kids - There's math in everything, from Native American beadwork, African fabrics, modern music, and even cornrow hairstyles. See what other things math plays a part in.

Math in Daily Life - Join us as we explore how math can help us in our daily lives. In this exhibit, you'll look at the language of numbers through common situations, such as playing games or cooking.

Math Index - Figure This - Take these challenging activities on Algebra, Geometry, Measurement and more. - This site has many K-12 math concepts explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, and worksheets.

Meters and Liters: Converting to the Metric System of Measurements - The metric system has been around for 300 years. This system is based on a unit of measurement called the meter, which gets its name from the Greek word metron, "a measure."

New York Times - Math and Economics - Explore current issues in depth or search math and economics by subject.

Number and Math Play - Brain Boosters - Information on a variety of topics presented in a fun manner.

Online Conversion - Convert just about anything to anything else -- meters to miles, pints to liters, calories to Celsius, gigahertz to kilohertz and more. Over 5,000 units, and 50,000 conversions.

Quick Facts about Archimedes - Who is Archimedes and what did he do? He is called the "father of integral calculus" and also the "father of mathematical physics". Learn more about this amazing person.

Science Museum - Physics and Math - From atoms to time, find out scientists use math to make discoveries about our world.

StudyJams - Four animated middle-school aged mentors guide you through topics using videos, tutorials, and karaoke songs. StudyJams is a subscription based service. Each parent account comes with three kid accounts. Parents are able to track site usage and measure success with quizzes.

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Page Revised - 9/3/2008

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