Web Site Feeds
Feed Links
Reports & Testimonies
Long Version: RSS | ATOM
Short Version: RSS | ATOM
Legal Decisions & Opinions
Long Version: RSS | ATOM
Short Version: RSS | ATOM
What is a feed?
A feed is a document that contains summaries of web content with web links to the original versions. It may be viewed with a feed reader or news aggregator. If you simply click on the link without a feed reader, you will see a page of XML code.
Available formats
GAO provides feeds of published Audit Products in two standardized and widely recognized formats, RSS and ATOM. Most feed readers will support either format.
How do I use it?
To view GAO's feeds you need a reader or aggregator that displays the formatted feed. A substantial number of readers are available for all operating systems; many are free. Some are available as standalone programs that you download and install on your computer; others are part of a web browser.
Once you have a reader, you may subscribe to any feed of interest. GAO has two versions of both Audit and Legal products available as feeds. The "Long Version" of each feed provides the full abstract for each product. The "Short Version" of each feed provides an abbreviated version of the same information.