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By Brett Bobley on 9/4/2008 2:50 PM

I'm happy to say that the guidelines for the DFG/NEH Symposia and Workshops Program are now available.  This program, funded by the NEH and the DFG in Germany, is designed to fund joint workshops between American and German scholars and scientists who are working together on digital humanities projects or discussing issues related to the field.  Deadline for applications is November 4, 2008.
I should note that this is the second of two joint programs we have with the DFG.  The earlier program is called DFG/NEH Joint Digitization Projects and has a deadline of October 15, 2008.
If you are working with (or are considering working with) colleagues in Germany, I urge you to check out these ... Read More »

By Brett Bobley on 9/4/2008 2:01 PM

As regular readers know, the NEH's Office of Digital Humanities has an ongoing Humanities High Performance Computing (HHPC) Initiative.  I wanted to let you know about two upcoming HHPC-related events. 
On Monday, October 6, NEH staff will present at a workshop here in Washington, D.C., entitled "Humanities Applications for the World Community Grid." This full-day workshop will feature IBM computer scientists who will conduct a hands-on session describing how high performance computer systems can be used for humanities research.  [...]

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By Brett Bobley on 8/22/2008 1:12 PM

I'm very happy to say that the NEH has just announced twenty-two new awards (pdf) from our Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant program and three awards (pdf) from our new Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program. [...]
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 Upcoming Dates & Events Minimize
NEH Fellowships at Digital Humanities Centers
Humanities Applications for the World Community Grid

October 6, 2008: NEH staff will present at a workshop here in Washington, DC entitled "Humanities Applications for the World Community Grid." This full-day workshop will feature IBM computer scientists who will conduct a hands-on session describing how high performance computer systems can be used for humanities research. 

Start-Up Grants Deadline

October 8, 2008: Deadline for the Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants

DFG/NEH Joint Digitization Program Deadline
DFG/NEH Symposia and Workshops Program Deadline

November 4, 2008:  Deadline for the DFG/NEH Bilateral Digital Humanities Program: Symposia and Workshops program.

Collaborative Research Deadline

November 5, 2008: Deadline for Collaborative Research program. 

Supercomputing 2008 Conference

November 15 - 21:  On November 18th, NEH Chairman Bruce Cole will be giving a talk entitled "Humanities Scholarship in the Petabyte Age" at the Supercomputing 2008 Conference in Austin, Texas.
